import ""
Package design defines types which describe the data types used by action controllers. These are the data structures of the request payloads and parameters as well as the response payloads. There are primitive types corresponding to the JSON primitive types (bool, string, integer and number), array types which represent a collection of another type and object types corresponding to JSON objects (i.e. a map indexed by strings where each value may be any of the data types). On top of these the package also defines “user types” and “media types”. Both these types are named objects with additional properties (a description and for media types the media type identifier, links and views).
- Constants
- Variables
- func CanonicalIdentifier(identifier string) string
- func ExtractWildcards(path string) []string
- func HasFile(dt DataType) bool
- func HasKnownEncoder(mimeType string) bool
- func UserTypes(dt DataType) map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
- type APIDefinition
- func NewAPIDefinition() *APIDefinition
- func (a *APIDefinition) Context() string
- func (a *APIDefinition) DSL() func()
- func (a *APIDefinition) DSLName() string
- func (a *APIDefinition) DependsOn() []dslengine.Root
- func (a *APIDefinition) Finalize()
- func (a *APIDefinition) IterateMediaTypes(it MediaTypeIterator) error
- func (a *APIDefinition) IterateResources(it ResourceIterator) error
- func (a *APIDefinition) IterateResponses(it ResponseIterator) error
- func (a *APIDefinition) IterateSets(iterator dslengine.SetIterator)
- func (a *APIDefinition) IterateUserTypes(it UserTypeIterator) error
- func (a *APIDefinition) MediaTypeWithIdentifier(id string) *MediaTypeDefinition
- func (a *APIDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *APIDefinition) RandomGenerator() *RandomGenerator
- func (a *APIDefinition) Reset()
- func (a *APIDefinition) Validate() error
- type ActionDefinition
- func (a *ActionDefinition) AllParams() *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *ActionDefinition) CanonicalScheme() string
- func (a *ActionDefinition) Context() string
- func (a *ActionDefinition) EffectiveSchemes() []string
- func (a *ActionDefinition) Finalize()
- func (a *ActionDefinition) HasAbsoluteRoutes() bool
- func (a *ActionDefinition) IterateHeaders(it HeaderIterator) error
- func (a *ActionDefinition) IterateResponses(it ResponseIterator) error
- func (a *ActionDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *ActionDefinition) UserTypes() map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
- func (a *ActionDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- func (a *ActionDefinition) ValidateParams() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- func (a *ActionDefinition) WebSocket() bool
- type ActionIterator
- type Array
- func (a *Array) CanHaveDefault() bool
- func (a *Array) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
- func (a *Array) HasAttributes() bool
- func (a *Array) IsArray() bool
- func (a *Array) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
- func (a *Array) IsHash() bool
- func (a *Array) IsObject() bool
- func (a *Array) IsPrimitive() bool
- func (a *Array) Kind() Kind
- func (a *Array) MakeSlice(s []interface{}) interface{}
- func (a *Array) Name() string
- func (a *Array) ToArray() *Array
- func (a *Array) ToHash() *Hash
- func (a *Array) ToObject() Object
- type ArrayVal
- type AttributeDefinition
- func DupAtt(att *AttributeDefinition) *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) AddValues(values []interface{})
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) AllNonZero() []string
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) AllRequired() (required []string)
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Context() string
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) DSL() func()
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Definition() *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) GenerateExample(rand *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) HasDefaultValue(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Inherit(parent *AttributeDefinition, seen …map[*AttributeDefinition]struct{})
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsFile(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsInterface(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsNonZero(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsPrimitivePointer(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsReadOnly() bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsRequired(attName string) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Merge(other *AttributeDefinition) *AttributeDefinition
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetDefault(def interface{})
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetExample(example interface{}) bool
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetReadOnly()
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- func (a *AttributeDefinition) Walk(walker func(*AttributeDefinition) error) error
- type AttributeIterator
- type ByFilePath
- type CORSDefinition
- type ContactDefinition
- type ContainerDefinition
- type DataStructure
- type DataType
- type DocsDefinition
- type EncodingDefinition
- type FileServerDefinition
- type FileServerIterator
- type Hash
- func (h *Hash) CanHaveDefault() bool
- func (h *Hash) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
- func (h *Hash) HasAttributes() bool
- func (h *Hash) IsArray() bool
- func (h *Hash) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
- func (h *Hash) IsHash() bool
- func (h *Hash) IsObject() bool
- func (h *Hash) IsPrimitive() bool
- func (h *Hash) Kind() Kind
- func (h *Hash) MakeMap(m map[interface{}]interface{}) interface{}
- func (h *Hash) Name() string
- func (h *Hash) ToArray() *Array
- func (h *Hash) ToHash() *Hash
- func (h *Hash) ToObject() Object
- type HashVal
- type HeaderIterator
- type Kind
- type LicenseDefinition
- type LinkDefinition
- type MediaTypeDefinition
- func NewMediaTypeDefinition(name, identifier string, dsl func()) *MediaTypeDefinition
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) ComputeViews() map[string]*ViewDefinition
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Finalize()
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) IsError() bool
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) IterateViews(it ViewIterator) error
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Kind() Kind
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Project(view string) (*MediaTypeDefinition, *UserTypeDefinition, error)
- func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- type MediaTypeIterator
- type MediaTypeRoot
- type Object
- func (o Object) CanHaveDefault() bool
- func (o Object) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
- func (o Object) HasAttributes() bool
- func (o Object) IsArray() bool
- func (o Object) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
- func (o Object) IsHash() bool
- func (o Object) IsObject() bool
- func (o Object) IsPrimitive() bool
- func (o Object) IterateAttributes(it AttributeIterator) error
- func (o Object) Kind() Kind
- func (o Object) Merge(other Object)
- func (o Object) Name() string
- func (o Object) ToArray() *Array
- func (o Object) ToHash() *Hash
- func (o Object) ToObject() Object
- type Primitive
- func (p Primitive) CanHaveDefault() (ok bool)
- func (p Primitive) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
- func (p Primitive) HasAttributes() bool
- func (p Primitive) IsArray() bool
- func (p Primitive) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
- func (p Primitive) IsHash() bool
- func (p Primitive) IsObject() bool
- func (p Primitive) IsPrimitive() bool
- func (p Primitive) Kind() Kind
- func (p Primitive) Name() string
- func (p Primitive) ToArray() *Array
- func (p Primitive) ToHash() *Hash
- func (p Primitive) ToObject() Object
- type RandomGenerator
- func NewRandomGenerator(seed string) *RandomGenerator
- func (r *RandomGenerator) Bool() bool
- func (r *RandomGenerator) DateTime() time.Time
- func (r *RandomGenerator) File() string
- func (r *RandomGenerator) Float64() float64
- func (r *RandomGenerator) Int() int
- func (r *RandomGenerator) String() string
- func (r *RandomGenerator) UUID() uuid.UUID
- type ResourceDefinition
- func NewResourceDefinition(name string, dsl func()) *ResourceDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) AllOrigins() []*CORSDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) CanonicalAction() *ActionDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) Context() string
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) DSL() func()
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) Finalize()
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) FullPath() string
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateActions(it ActionIterator) error
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateFileServers(it FileServerIterator) error
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateHeaders(it HeaderIterator) error
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) Parent() *ResourceDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) PreflightPaths() []string
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) URITemplate() string
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) UserTypes() map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
- func (r *ResourceDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- type ResourceIterator
- type ResponseDefinition
- type ResponseIterator
- type ResponseTemplateDefinition
- type RouteDefinition
- type SecurityDefinition
- type SecuritySchemeDefinition
- type SecuritySchemeKind
- type UserTypeDefinition
- func NewUserTypeDefinition(name string, dsl func()) *UserTypeDefinition
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) CanHaveDefault() bool
- func (t *UserTypeDefinition) Context() string
- func (t *UserTypeDefinition) DSL() func()
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Finalize()
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) HasAttributes() bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsArray() bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsHash() bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsObject() bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsPrimitive() bool
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Kind() Kind
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Name() string
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToArray() *Array
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToHash() *Hash
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToObject() Object
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors
- func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Walk(walker func(*AttributeDefinition) error) error
- type UserTypeIterator
- type ViewDefinition
- type ViewIterator
Package files
api.go definitions.go dup.go example.go random.go security.go types.go validation.go
const (
Continue = "Continue"
SwitchingProtocols = "SwitchingProtocols"
OK = "OK"
Created = "Created"
Accepted = "Accepted"
NonAuthoritativeInfo = "NonAuthoritativeInfo"
NoContent = "NoContent"
ResetContent = "ResetContent"
PartialContent = "PartialContent"
MultipleChoices = "MultipleChoices"
MovedPermanently = "MovedPermanently"
Found = "Found"
SeeOther = "SeeOther"
NotModified = "NotModified"
UseProxy = "UseProxy"
TemporaryRedirect = "TemporaryRedirect"
BadRequest = "BadRequest"
Unauthorized = "Unauthorized"
PaymentRequired = "PaymentRequired"
Forbidden = "Forbidden"
NotFound = "NotFound"
MethodNotAllowed = "MethodNotAllowed"
NotAcceptable = "NotAcceptable"
ProxyAuthRequired = "ProxyAuthRequired"
RequestTimeout = "RequestTimeout"
Conflict = "Conflict"
Gone = "Gone"
LengthRequired = "LengthRequired"
PreconditionFailed = "PreconditionFailed"
RequestEntityTooLarge = "RequestEntityTooLarge"
RequestURITooLong = "RequestURITooLong"
UnsupportedMediaType = "UnsupportedMediaType"
RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable = "RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable"
ExpectationFailed = "ExpectationFailed"
Teapot = "Teapot"
UnprocessableEntity = "UnprocessableEntity"
InternalServerError = "InternalServerError"
NotImplemented = "NotImplemented"
BadGateway = "BadGateway"
ServiceUnavailable = "ServiceUnavailable"
GatewayTimeout = "GatewayTimeout"
HTTPVersionNotSupported = "HTTPVersionNotSupported"
List of all built-in response names.
const (
// Boolean is the type for a JSON boolean.
Boolean = Primitive(BooleanKind)
// Integer is the type for a JSON number without a fraction or exponent part.
Integer = Primitive(IntegerKind)
// Number is the type for any JSON number, including integers.
Number = Primitive(NumberKind)
// String is the type for a JSON string.
String = Primitive(StringKind)
// DateTime is the type for a JSON string parsed as a Go time.Time
// DateTime expects an RFC3339 formatted value.
DateTime = Primitive(DateTimeKind)
// UUID is the type for a JSON string parsed as a Go uuid.UUID
// UUID expects an RFC4122 formatted value.
UUID = Primitive(UUIDKind)
// Any is the type for an arbitrary JSON value (interface{} in Go).
Any = Primitive(AnyKind)
// File is the type for a file. This type can only be used in a multipart definition.
File = Primitive(FileKind)
const DefaultView = "default"
DefaultView is the name of the default view.
var (
// Design being built by DSL.
Design *APIDefinition
// GeneratedMediaTypes contains DSL definitions that were created by the design DSL and
// need to be executed as a second pass.
// An example of this are media types defined with CollectionOf: the element media type
// must be defined first then the definition created by CollectionOf must execute.
GeneratedMediaTypes MediaTypeRoot
// ProjectedMediaTypes is a cache used by the MediaType strut Project method.
ProjectedMediaTypes MediaTypeRoot
// WildcardRegex is the regular expression used to capture path parameters.
WildcardRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`/(?::|\*)([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)`)
// DefaultDecoders contains the decoding definitions used when no Consumes DSL is found.
DefaultDecoders []*EncodingDefinition
// DefaultEncoders contains the encoding definitions used when no Produces DSL is found.
DefaultEncoders []*EncodingDefinition
// KnownEncoders contains the list of encoding packages and factories known by goa indexed
// by MIME type.
KnownEncoders = map[string]string{
"application/json": "",
"application/xml": "",
"application/gob": "",
"application/x-gob": "",
"application/binc": "",
"application/x-binc": "",
"application/cbor": "",
"application/x-cbor": "",
"application/msgpack": "",
"application/x-msgpack": "",
// KnownEncoderFunctions contains the list of encoding encoder and decoder functions known
// by goa indexed by MIME type.
KnownEncoderFunctions = map[string][2]string{
"application/json": {"NewJSONEncoder", "NewJSONDecoder"},
"application/xml": {"NewXMLEncoder", "NewXMLDecoder"},
"application/gob": {"NewGobEncoder", "NewGobDecoder"},
"application/x-gob": {"NewGobEncoder", "NewGobDecoder"},
"application/binc": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
"application/x-binc": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
"application/cbor": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
"application/x-cbor": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
"application/msgpack": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
"application/x-msgpack": {"NewEncoder", "NewDecoder"},
// JSONContentTypes list the Content-Type header values that cause goa to encode or decode
// JSON by default.
JSONContentTypes = []string{"application/json"}
// XMLContentTypes list the Content-Type header values that cause goa to encode or decode
// XML by default.
XMLContentTypes = []string{"application/xml"}
// GobContentTypes list the Content-Type header values that cause goa to encode or decode
// Gob by default.
GobContentTypes = []string{"application/gob", "application/x-gob"}
// ErrorMediaIdentifier is the media type identifier used for error responses.
ErrorMediaIdentifier = "application/vnd.goa.error"
// ErrorMedia is the built-in media type for error responses.
ErrorMedia = &MediaTypeDefinition{
UserTypeDefinition: &UserTypeDefinition{
AttributeDefinition: &AttributeDefinition{
Type: errorMediaType,
Description: "Error response media type",
Example: map[string]interface{}{
"id": "3F1FKVRR",
"status": "400",
"code": "invalid_value",
"detail": "Value of ID must be an integer",
"meta": map[string]interface{}{"timestamp": 1458609066},
TypeName: "error",
Identifier: ErrorMediaIdentifier,
Views: map[string]*ViewDefinition{"default": errorMediaView},
func CanonicalIdentifier
func CanonicalIdentifier(identifier string) string
CanonicalIdentifier returns the media type identifier sans suffix which is what the DSL uses to store and lookup media types.
func ExtractWildcards
func ExtractWildcards(path string) []string
ExtractWildcards returns the names of the wildcards that appear in path.
func HasFile
func HasFile(dt DataType) bool
HasFile returns true if the underlying type has any file attributes.
func HasKnownEncoder
func HasKnownEncoder(mimeType string) bool
HasKnownEncoder returns true if the encoder for the given MIME type is known by goa. MIME types with unknown encoders must be associated with a package path explicitly in the DSL.
func UserTypes
func UserTypes(dt DataType) map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
UserTypes traverses the data type recursively and collects all the user types used to define it. The returned map is indexed by type name.
type APIDefinition
type APIDefinition struct {
// Name of API
Name string
// Title of API
Title string
// Description of API
Description string
// Version is the version of the API described by this design.
Version string
// Host is the default API hostname
Host string
// Schemes is the supported API URL schemes
Schemes []string
// BasePath is the common base path to all API endpoints
BasePath string
// Params define the common path parameters to all API endpoints
Params *AttributeDefinition
// Consumes lists the mime types supported by the API controllers
Consumes []*EncodingDefinition
// Produces lists the mime types generated by the API controllers
Produces []*EncodingDefinition
// Origins defines the CORS policies that apply to this API.
Origins map[string]*CORSDefinition
// TermsOfService describes or links to the API terms of service
TermsOfService string
// Contact provides the API users with contact information
Contact *ContactDefinition
// License describes the API license
License *LicenseDefinition
// Docs points to the API external documentation
Docs *DocsDefinition
// Resources is the set of exposed resources indexed by name
Resources map[string]*ResourceDefinition
// Types indexes the user defined types by name
Types map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
// MediaTypes indexes the API media types by canonical identifier
MediaTypes map[string]*MediaTypeDefinition
// Traits available to all API resources and actions indexed by name
Traits map[string]*dslengine.TraitDefinition
// Responses available to all API actions indexed by name
Responses map[string]*ResponseDefinition
// Response template factories available to all API actions indexed by name
ResponseTemplates map[string]*ResponseTemplateDefinition
// Built-in responses
DefaultResponses map[string]*ResponseDefinition
// Built-in response templates
DefaultResponseTemplates map[string]*ResponseTemplateDefinition
// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to create this definition if any
DSLFunc func()
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// SecuritySchemes lists the available security schemes available
// to the API.
SecuritySchemes []*SecuritySchemeDefinition
// Security defines security requirements for all the
// resources and actions, unless overridden by Resource or
// Action-level Security() calls.
Security *SecurityDefinition
// NoExamples indicates whether to bypass automatic example generation.
NoExamples bool
// contains filtered or unexported fields
APIDefinition defines the global properties of the API.
func NewAPIDefinition
func NewAPIDefinition() *APIDefinition
NewAPIDefinition returns a new design with built-in response templates.
func (*APIDefinition) Context
func (a *APIDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*APIDefinition) DSL
func (a *APIDefinition) DSL() func()
DSL returns the initialization DSL.
func (*APIDefinition) DSLName
func (a *APIDefinition) DSLName() string
DSLName is the name of the DSL as displayed to the user during execution.
func (*APIDefinition) DependsOn
func (a *APIDefinition) DependsOn() []dslengine.Root
DependsOn returns the other roots this root depends on, nothing for APIDefinition.
func (*APIDefinition) Finalize
func (a *APIDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize sets the Consumes and Produces fields to the defaults if empty. Also it records built-in media types that are used by the user design.
func (*APIDefinition) IterateMediaTypes
func (a *APIDefinition) IterateMediaTypes(it MediaTypeIterator) error
IterateMediaTypes calls the given iterator passing in each media type sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateMediaTypes returns that error.
func (*APIDefinition) IterateResources
func (a *APIDefinition) IterateResources(it ResourceIterator) error
IterateResources calls the given iterator passing in each resource sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateResources returns that error.
func (*APIDefinition) IterateResponses
func (a *APIDefinition) IterateResponses(it ResponseIterator) error
IterateResponses calls the given iterator passing in each response sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateResponses returns that error.
func (*APIDefinition) IterateSets
func (a *APIDefinition) IterateSets(iterator dslengine.SetIterator)
IterateSets calls the given iterator possing in the API definition, user types, media types and finally resources.
func (*APIDefinition) IterateUserTypes
func (a *APIDefinition) IterateUserTypes(it UserTypeIterator) error
IterateUserTypes calls the given iterator passing in each user type sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateUserTypes returns that error.
func (*APIDefinition) MediaTypeWithIdentifier
func (a *APIDefinition) MediaTypeWithIdentifier(id string) *MediaTypeDefinition
MediaTypeWithIdentifier returns the media type with a matching media type identifier. Two media type identifiers match if their values sans suffix match. So for example “application/”, “application/” and “application/” all match.
func (*APIDefinition) PathParams
func (a *APIDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
PathParams returns the base path parameters of a.
func (*APIDefinition) RandomGenerator
func (a *APIDefinition) RandomGenerator() *RandomGenerator
RandomGenerator is seeded after the API name. It’s used to generate examples.
func (*APIDefinition) Reset
func (a *APIDefinition) Reset()
Reset sets all the API definition fields to their zero value except the default responses and default response templates.
func (*APIDefinition) Validate
func (a *APIDefinition) Validate() error
Validate tests whether the API definition is consistent: all resource parent names resolve to an actual resource.
type ActionDefinition
type ActionDefinition struct {
// Action name, e.g. "create"
Name string
// Action description, e.g. "Creates a task"
Description string
// Docs points to the API external documentation
Docs *DocsDefinition
// Parent resource
Parent *ResourceDefinition
// Specific action URL schemes
Schemes []string
// Action routes
Routes []*RouteDefinition
// Map of possible response definitions indexed by name
Responses map[string]*ResponseDefinition
// Path and query string parameters
Params *AttributeDefinition
// Query string parameters only
QueryParams *AttributeDefinition
// Payload blueprint (request body) if any
Payload *UserTypeDefinition
// PayloadOptional is true if the request payload is optional, false otherwise.
PayloadOptional bool
// PayloadOptional is true if the request payload is multipart, false otherwise.
PayloadMultipart bool
// Request headers that need to be made available to action
Headers *AttributeDefinition
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// Security defines security requirements for the action
Security *SecurityDefinition
ActionDefinition defines a resource action. It defines both an HTTP endpoint and the shape of HTTP requests and responses made to that endpoint. The shape of requests is defined via “parameters”, there are path parameters parameters and a payload parameter (request body). (i.e. portions of the URL that define parameter values), query string
func (*ActionDefinition) AllParams
func (a *ActionDefinition) AllParams() *AttributeDefinition
AllParams returns the path and query string parameters of the action across all its routes.
func (*ActionDefinition) CanonicalScheme
func (a *ActionDefinition) CanonicalScheme() string
CanonicalScheme returns the preferred scheme for making requests. Favor secure schemes.
func (*ActionDefinition) Context
func (a *ActionDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*ActionDefinition) EffectiveSchemes
func (a *ActionDefinition) EffectiveSchemes() []string
EffectiveSchemes return the URL schemes that apply to the action. Looks recursively into action resource, parent resources and API.
func (*ActionDefinition) Finalize
func (a *ActionDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize inherits security scheme and action responses from parent and top level design.
func (*ActionDefinition) HasAbsoluteRoutes
func (a *ActionDefinition) HasAbsoluteRoutes() bool
HasAbsoluteRoutes returns true if all the action routes are absolute.
func (*ActionDefinition) IterateHeaders
func (a *ActionDefinition) IterateHeaders(it HeaderIterator) error
IterateHeaders iterates over the resource-level and action-level headers, calling the given iterator passing in each response sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateHeaders returns that error.
func (*ActionDefinition) IterateResponses
func (a *ActionDefinition) IterateResponses(it ResponseIterator) error
IterateResponses calls the given iterator passing in each response sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateResponses returns that error.
func (*ActionDefinition) PathParams
func (a *ActionDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
PathParams returns the path parameters of the action across all its routes.
func (*ActionDefinition) UserTypes
func (a *ActionDefinition) UserTypes() map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
UserTypes returns all the user types used by the action payload and parameters.
func (*ActionDefinition) Validate
func (a *ActionDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate tests whether the action definition is consistent: parameters have unique names and it has at least one response.
func (*ActionDefinition) ValidateParams
func (a *ActionDefinition) ValidateParams() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
ValidateParams checks the action parameters (make sure they have names, members and types).
func (*ActionDefinition) WebSocket
func (a *ActionDefinition) WebSocket() bool
WebSocket returns true if the action scheme is “ws” or “wss” or both (directly or inherited from the resource or API)
type ActionIterator
type ActionIterator func(a *ActionDefinition) error
ActionIterator is the type of functions given to IterateActions.
type Array
type Array struct {
ElemType *AttributeDefinition
Array is the type for a JSON array.
func (*Array) CanHaveDefault
func (a *Array) CanHaveDefault() bool
CanHaveDefault returns true if the array type can have a default value. The array type can have a default value only if the element type can have a default value.
func (*Array) GenerateExample
func (a *Array) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
GenerateExample produces a random array value.
func (*Array) HasAttributes
func (a *Array) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes returns true if the array’s element type is user defined.
func (*Array) IsArray
func (a *Array) IsArray() bool
IsArray returns true.
func (*Array) IsCompatible
func (a *Array) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (*Array) IsHash
func (a *Array) IsHash() bool
IsHash returns false.
func (*Array) IsObject
func (a *Array) IsObject() bool
IsObject returns false.
func (*Array) IsPrimitive
func (a *Array) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive returns false.
func (*Array) Kind
func (a *Array) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (*Array) MakeSlice
func (a *Array) MakeSlice(s []interface{}) interface{}
MakeSlice examines the key type from the Array and create a slice with builtin type if possible. The idea is to avoid generating []interface{} and produce more known types.
func (*Array) Name
func (a *Array) Name() string
Name returns the type name.
func (*Array) ToArray
func (a *Array) ToArray() *Array
ToArray returns a.
func (*Array) ToHash
func (a *Array) ToHash() *Hash
ToHash returns nil.
func (*Array) ToObject
func (a *Array) ToObject() Object
ToObject returns nil.
type ArrayVal
type ArrayVal []interface{}
ArrayVal is the value of an array used to specify the default value.
func (ArrayVal) ToSlice
func (a ArrayVal) ToSlice() []interface{}
ToSlice converts an ArrayVal to a slice.
type AttributeDefinition
type AttributeDefinition struct {
// Attribute type
Type DataType
// Attribute reference type if any
Reference DataType
// Optional description
Description string
// Optional validations
Validation *dslengine.ValidationDefinition
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// Optional member default value
DefaultValue interface{}
// Optional member example value
Example interface{}
// Optional view used to render Attribute (only applies to media type attributes).
View string
// NonZeroAttributes lists the names of the child attributes that cannot have a
// zero value (and thus whose presence does not need to be validated).
NonZeroAttributes map[string]bool
// DSLFunc contains the initialization DSL. This is used for user types.
DSLFunc func()
AttributeDefinition defines a JSON object member with optional description, default value and validations.
func DupAtt
func DupAtt(att *AttributeDefinition) *AttributeDefinition
DupAtt creates a copy of the given attribute.
func (*AttributeDefinition) AddValues
func (a *AttributeDefinition) AddValues(values []interface{})
AddValues adds the Enum values to the attribute’s validation definition. It also performs any conversion needed for HashVal and ArrayVal types.
func (*AttributeDefinition) AllNonZero
func (a *AttributeDefinition) AllNonZero() []string
AllNonZero returns the complete list of all non-zero attribute name.
func (*AttributeDefinition) AllRequired
func (a *AttributeDefinition) AllRequired() (required []string)
AllRequired returns the list of all required fields from the underlying object. An attribute type can be itself an attribute (e.g. a MediaTypeDefinition or a UserTypeDefinition) This happens when the DSL uses references for example. So traverse the hierarchy and collect all the required validations.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Context
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*AttributeDefinition) DSL
func (a *AttributeDefinition) DSL() func()
DSL returns the initialization DSL.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Definition
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Definition() *AttributeDefinition
Definition returns the underlying attribute definition. Note that this function is “inherited” by both UserTypeDefinition and MediaTypeDefinition.
func (*AttributeDefinition) GenerateExample
func (a *AttributeDefinition) GenerateExample(rand *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
GenerateExample returns the value of the Example field if not nil. Otherwise it traverses the attribute type and recursively generates an example. The result is saved in the Example field.
func (*AttributeDefinition) HasDefaultValue
func (a *AttributeDefinition) HasDefaultValue(attName string) bool
HasDefaultValue returns true if the given attribute has a default value.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Inherit
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Inherit(parent *AttributeDefinition, seen[*AttributeDefinition]struct{})
Inherit merges the properties of existing target type attributes with the argument’s. The algorithm is recursive so that child attributes are also merged.
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsFile
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsFile(attName string) bool
IsFile returns true if the attribute is of type File or if any its children attributes (if any) is.
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsInterface
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsInterface(attName string) bool
IsInterface returns true if the field generated for the given attribute has an interface type that should not be referenced as a “*interface{}” pointer. The target attribute must be an object.
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsNonZero
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsNonZero(attName string) bool
IsNonZero returns true if the given string matches the name of a non-zero attribute, false otherwise.
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsPrimitivePointer
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsPrimitivePointer(attName string) bool
IsPrimitivePointer returns true if the field generated for the given attribute should be a pointer to a primitive type. The target attribute must be an object.
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsReadOnly
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsReadOnly() bool
IsReadOnly returns true if attribute is read-only (set using SetReadOnly() method)
func (*AttributeDefinition) IsRequired
func (a *AttributeDefinition) IsRequired(attName string) bool
IsRequired returns true if the given string matches the name of a required attribute, false otherwise.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Merge
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Merge(other *AttributeDefinition) *AttributeDefinition
Merge merges the argument attributes into the target and returns the target overriding existing attributes with identical names. This only applies to attributes of type Object and Merge panics if the argument or the target is not of type Object.
func (*AttributeDefinition) SetDefault
func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetDefault(def interface{})
SetDefault sets the default for the attribute. It also converts HashVal and ArrayVal to map and slice respectively.
func (*AttributeDefinition) SetExample
func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetExample(example interface{}) bool
SetExample sets the custom example. SetExample also handles the case when the user doesn’t want any example or any auto-generated example.
func (*AttributeDefinition) SetReadOnly
func (a *AttributeDefinition) SetReadOnly()
SetReadOnly sets the attribute’s ReadOnly field as true.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Validate
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate tests whether the attribute definition is consistent: required fields exist. Since attributes are unaware of their context, additional context information can be provided to be used in error messages. The parent definition context is automatically added to error messages.
func (*AttributeDefinition) Walk
func (a *AttributeDefinition) Walk(walker func(*AttributeDefinition) error) error
Walk traverses the data structure recursively and calls the given function once on each attribute starting with the attribute returned by Definition.
type AttributeIterator
type AttributeIterator func(string, *AttributeDefinition) error
AttributeIterator is the type of the function given to IterateAttributes.
type ByFilePath
type ByFilePath []*FileServerDefinition
ByFilePath makes FileServerDefinition sortable for code generators.
func (ByFilePath) Len
func (b ByFilePath) Len() int
func (ByFilePath) Less
func (b ByFilePath) Less(i, j int) bool
func (ByFilePath) Swap
func (b ByFilePath) Swap(i, j int)
type CORSDefinition
type CORSDefinition struct {
// Parent API or resource
Parent dslengine.Definition
// Origin
Origin string
// List of authorized headers, "*" authorizes all
Headers []string
// List of authorized HTTP methods
Methods []string
// List of headers exposed to clients
Exposed []string
// How long to cache a preflight request response
MaxAge uint
// Sets Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header
Credentials bool
// Sets Whether the Origin string is a regular expression
Regexp bool
CORSDefinition contains the definition for a specific origin CORS policy.
func (*CORSDefinition) Context
func (cors *CORSDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*CORSDefinition) Validate
func (cors *CORSDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate makes sure the CORS definition origin is valid.
type ContactDefinition
type ContactDefinition struct {
// Name of the contact person/organization
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Email address of the contact person/organization
Email string `json:"email,omitempty"`
// URL pointing to the contact information
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
ContactDefinition contains the API contact information.
func (*ContactDefinition) Context
func (c *ContactDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
type ContainerDefinition
type ContainerDefinition interface {
// Attribute returns the container definition embedded attribute.
Attribute() *AttributeDefinition
ContainerDefinition defines a generic container definition that contains attributes. This makes it possible for plugins to use attributes in their own data structures.
type DataStructure
type DataStructure interface {
// Definition returns the data structure definition.
Definition() *AttributeDefinition
// Walk traverses the data structure recursively and calls the given function once
// on each attribute starting with the attribute returned by Definition.
// User type and media type attributes are traversed once even for recursive
// definitions to avoid infinite recursion.
// Walk stops and returns the error if the function returns a non-nil error.
Walk(func(*AttributeDefinition) error) error
DataStructure is the interface implemented by all data structure types. That is attribute definitions, user types and media types.
type DataType
type DataType interface {
// Kind of data type, one of the Kind enum.
Kind() Kind
// Name returns the type name.
Name() string
// IsPrimitive returns true if the underlying type is one of the primitive types.
IsPrimitive() bool
// HasAttributes returns true if the underlying type has any attributes.
HasAttributes() bool
// IsObject returns true if the underlying type is an object, a user type which
// is an object or a media type whose type is an object.
IsObject() bool
// IsArray returns true if the underlying type is an array, a user type which
// is an array or a media type whose type is an array.
IsArray() bool
// IsHash returns true if the underlying type is a hash map, a user type which
// is a hash map or a media type whose type is a hash map.
IsHash() bool
// ToObject returns the underlying object if any (i.e. if IsObject returns true),
// nil otherwise.
ToObject() Object
// ToArray returns the underlying array if any (i.e. if IsArray returns true),
// nil otherwise.
ToArray() *Array
// ToHash returns the underlying hash map if any (i.e. if IsHash returns true),
// nil otherwise.
ToHash() *Hash
// CanHaveDefault returns whether the data type can have a default value.
CanHaveDefault() bool
// IsCompatible checks whether val has a Go type that is
// compatible with the data type.
IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
// GenerateExample returns a random value for the given data type.
// If the data type has validations then the example value validates them.
// seen keeps track of the user and media types that have been traversed via
// recursion to prevent infinite loops.
GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
DataType is the common interface to all types.
func Dup
func Dup(d DataType) DataType
Dup creates a copy the given data type.
type DocsDefinition
type DocsDefinition struct {
// Description of documentation.
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
// URL to documentation.
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
DocsDefinition points to external documentation.
func (*DocsDefinition) Context
func (d *DocsDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
type EncodingDefinition
type EncodingDefinition struct {
// MIMETypes is the set of possible MIME types for the content being encoded or decoded.
MIMETypes []string
// PackagePath is the path to the Go package that implements the encoder/decoder.
// The package must expose a `EncoderFactory` or `DecoderFactory` function
// that the generated code calls. The methods must return objects that implement
// the goa.EncoderFactory or goa.DecoderFactory interface respectively.
PackagePath string
// Function is the name of the Go function used to instantiate the encoder/decoder.
// Defaults to NewEncoder and NewDecoder respecitively.
Function string
// Encoder is true if the definition is for a encoder, false if it's for a decoder.
Encoder bool
EncodingDefinition defines an encoder supported by the API.
func (*EncodingDefinition) Context
func (enc *EncodingDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*EncodingDefinition) Validate
func (enc *EncodingDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate validates the encoding MIME type and Go package path if set.
type FileServerDefinition
type FileServerDefinition struct {
// Parent resource
Parent *ResourceDefinition
// Description for docs
Description string
// Docs points to the API external documentation
Docs *DocsDefinition
// FilePath is the file path to the static asset(s)
FilePath string
// RequestPath is the HTTP path that servers the assets.
RequestPath string
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// Security defines security requirements for the file server.
Security *SecurityDefinition
FileServerDefinition defines an endpoint that servers static assets.
func (*FileServerDefinition) Context
func (f *FileServerDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*FileServerDefinition) Finalize
func (f *FileServerDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize inherits security scheme from parent and top level design.
func (*FileServerDefinition) IsDir
func (f *FileServerDefinition) IsDir() bool
IsDir returns true if the file server serves a directory, false otherwise.
func (*FileServerDefinition) Validate
func (f *FileServerDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks the file server is properly initialized.
type FileServerIterator
type FileServerIterator func(f *FileServerDefinition) error
FileServerIterator is the type of functions given to IterateFileServers.
type Hash
type Hash struct {
KeyType *AttributeDefinition
ElemType *AttributeDefinition
Hash is the type for a hash map.
func (*Hash) CanHaveDefault
func (h *Hash) CanHaveDefault() bool
CanHaveDefault returns true if the hash type can have a default value. The hash type can have a default value only if both the key type and the element type can have a default value.
func (*Hash) GenerateExample
func (h *Hash) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
GenerateExample returns a random hash value.
func (*Hash) HasAttributes
func (h *Hash) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes returns true if the either hash’s key type is user defined or the element type is user defined.
func (*Hash) IsArray
func (h *Hash) IsArray() bool
IsArray returns false.
func (*Hash) IsCompatible
func (h *Hash) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (*Hash) IsHash
func (h *Hash) IsHash() bool
IsHash returns true.
func (*Hash) IsObject
func (h *Hash) IsObject() bool
IsObject returns false.
func (*Hash) IsPrimitive
func (h *Hash) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive returns false.
func (*Hash) Kind
func (h *Hash) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (*Hash) MakeMap
func (h *Hash) MakeMap(m map[interface{}]interface{}) interface{}
MakeMap examines the key type from a Hash and create a map with builtin type if possible. The idea is to avoid generating map[interface{}]interface{}, which cannot be handled by json.Marshal.
func (*Hash) Name
func (h *Hash) Name() string
Name returns the type name.
func (*Hash) ToArray
func (h *Hash) ToArray() *Array
ToArray returns nil.
func (*Hash) ToHash
func (h *Hash) ToHash() *Hash
ToHash returns the underlying hash map.
func (*Hash) ToObject
func (h *Hash) ToObject() Object
ToObject returns nil.
type HashVal
type HashVal map[interface{}]interface{}
HashVal is the value of a hash used to specify the default value.
func (HashVal) ToMap
func (h HashVal) ToMap() map[interface{}]interface{}
ToMap converts a HashVal to a map.
type HeaderIterator
type HeaderIterator func(name string, isRequired bool, h *AttributeDefinition) error
HeaderIterator is the type of functions given to IterateHeaders.
type Kind
type Kind uint
A Kind defines the JSON type that a DataType represents.
const (
// BooleanKind represents a JSON bool.
BooleanKind Kind = iota + 1
// IntegerKind represents a JSON integer.
// NumberKind represents a JSON number including integers.
// StringKind represents a JSON string.
// DateTimeKind represents a JSON string that is parsed as a Go time.Time
// UUIDKind represents a JSON string that is parsed as a Go uuid.UUID
// AnyKind represents a generic interface{}.
// ArrayKind represents a JSON array.
// ObjectKind represents a JSON object.
// HashKind represents a JSON object where the keys are not known in advance.
// UserTypeKind represents a user type.
// MediaTypeKind represents a media type.
// FileKind represents a file.
type LicenseDefinition
type LicenseDefinition struct {
// Name of license used for the API
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// URL to the license used for the API
URL string `json:"url,omitempty"`
LicenseDefinition contains the license information for the API.
func (*LicenseDefinition) Context
func (l *LicenseDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
type LinkDefinition
type LinkDefinition struct {
// Link name
Name string
// View used to render link if not "link"
View string
// URITemplate is the RFC6570 URI template of the link Href.
URITemplate string
// Parent media Type
Parent *MediaTypeDefinition
LinkDefinition defines a media type link, it specifies a URL to a related resource.
func (*LinkDefinition) Attribute
func (l *LinkDefinition) Attribute() *AttributeDefinition
Attribute returns the linked attribute.
func (*LinkDefinition) Context
func (l *LinkDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*LinkDefinition) MediaType
func (l *LinkDefinition) MediaType() *MediaTypeDefinition
MediaType returns the media type of the linked attribute.
func (*LinkDefinition) Validate
func (l *LinkDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the link definition is consistent: it has a media type or the name of an attribute part of the parent media type.
type MediaTypeDefinition
type MediaTypeDefinition struct {
// A media type is a type
// Identifier is the RFC 6838 media type identifier.
Identifier string
// ContentType identifies the value written to the response "Content-Type" header.
// Defaults to Identifier.
ContentType string
// Links list the rendered links indexed by name.
Links map[string]*LinkDefinition
// Views list the supported views indexed by name.
Views map[string]*ViewDefinition
// Resource this media type is the canonical representation for if any
Resource *ResourceDefinition
MediaTypeDefinition describes the rendering of a resource using property and link definitions. A property corresponds to a single member of the media type, it has a name and a type as well as optional validation rules. A link has a name and a URL that points to a related resource. Media types also define views which describe which members and links to render when building the response body for the corresponding view.
func NewMediaTypeDefinition
func NewMediaTypeDefinition(name, identifier string, dsl func()) *MediaTypeDefinition
NewMediaTypeDefinition creates a media type definition but does not execute the DSL.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) ComputeViews
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) ComputeViews() map[string]*ViewDefinition
ComputeViews returns the media type views recursing as necessary if the media type is a collection.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) Finalize
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize sets the value of ContentType to the identifier if not set.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) IsError
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) IsError() bool
IsError returns true if the media type is implemented via a goa struct.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) IterateViews
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) IterateViews(it ViewIterator) error
IterateViews calls the given iterator passing in each attribute sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateViews returns that error.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) Kind
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) Project
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Project(view string) (*MediaTypeDefinition, *UserTypeDefinition, error)
Project creates a MediaTypeDefinition containing the fields defined in the given view. The resuling media type only defines the default view and its identifier is modified to indicate that it was projected by adding the view as id parameter. links is a user type of type Object where each key corresponds to a linked media type as defined by the media type “links” attribute.
func (*MediaTypeDefinition) Validate
func (m *MediaTypeDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the media type definition is consistent: its identifier is a valid media type identifier.
type MediaTypeIterator
type MediaTypeIterator func(m *MediaTypeDefinition) error
MediaTypeIterator is the type of functions given to IterateMediaTypes.
type MediaTypeRoot
type MediaTypeRoot map[string]*MediaTypeDefinition
MediaTypeRoot is the data structure that represents the additional DSL definition root that contains the media type definition set created by CollectionOf index by canonical id.
func (MediaTypeRoot) DSLName
func (r MediaTypeRoot) DSLName() string
DSLName is displayed to the user when the DSL executes.
func (MediaTypeRoot) DependsOn
func (r MediaTypeRoot) DependsOn() []dslengine.Root
DependsOn return the DSL roots the generated media types DSL root depends on, that’s the API DSL.
func (MediaTypeRoot) IterateSets
func (r MediaTypeRoot) IterateSets(iterator dslengine.SetIterator)
IterateSets iterates over the one generated media type definition set.
func (MediaTypeRoot) Reset
func (r MediaTypeRoot) Reset()
Reset deletes all the keys.
type Object
type Object map[string]*AttributeDefinition
Object is the type for a JSON object.
func (Object) CanHaveDefault
func (o Object) CanHaveDefault() bool
CanHaveDefault returns false.
func (Object) GenerateExample
func (o Object) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
GenerateExample returns a random value of the object.
func (Object) HasAttributes
func (o Object) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes returns true.
func (Object) IsArray
func (o Object) IsArray() bool
IsArray returns false.
func (Object) IsCompatible
func (o Object) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (Object) IsHash
func (o Object) IsHash() bool
IsHash returns false.
func (Object) IsObject
func (o Object) IsObject() bool
IsObject returns true.
func (Object) IsPrimitive
func (o Object) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive returns false.
func (Object) IterateAttributes
func (o Object) IterateAttributes(it AttributeIterator) error
IterateAttributes calls the given iterator passing in each attribute sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateObject returns that error.
func (Object) Kind
func (o Object) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (Object) Merge
func (o Object) Merge(other Object)
Merge copies other’s attributes into o overridding any pre-existing attribute with the same name.
func (Object) Name
func (o Object) Name() string
Name returns the type name.
func (Object) ToArray
func (o Object) ToArray() *Array
ToArray returns nil.
func (Object) ToHash
func (o Object) ToHash() *Hash
ToHash returns nil.
func (Object) ToObject
func (o Object) ToObject() Object
ToObject returns the underlying object.
type Primitive
type Primitive Kind
Primitive is the type for null, boolean, integer, number, string, and time.
func (Primitive) CanHaveDefault
func (p Primitive) CanHaveDefault() (ok bool)
CanHaveDefault returns whether the primitive can have a default value.
func (Primitive) GenerateExample
func (p Primitive) GenerateExample(r *RandomGenerator, seen []string) interface{}
GenerateExample returns an instance of the given data type.
func (Primitive) HasAttributes
func (p Primitive) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes returns false.
func (Primitive) IsArray
func (p Primitive) IsArray() bool
IsArray returns false.
func (Primitive) IsCompatible
func (p Primitive) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with p.
func (Primitive) IsHash
func (p Primitive) IsHash() bool
IsHash returns false.
func (Primitive) IsObject
func (p Primitive) IsObject() bool
IsObject returns false.
func (Primitive) IsPrimitive
func (p Primitive) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive returns true.
func (Primitive) Kind
func (p Primitive) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (Primitive) Name
func (p Primitive) Name() string
Name returns the JSON type name.
func (Primitive) ToArray
func (p Primitive) ToArray() *Array
ToArray returns nil.
func (Primitive) ToHash
func (p Primitive) ToHash() *Hash
ToHash returns nil.
func (Primitive) ToObject
func (p Primitive) ToObject() Object
ToObject returns nil.
type RandomGenerator
type RandomGenerator struct {
Seed string
// contains filtered or unexported fields
RandomGenerator generates consistent random values of different types given a seed. The random values are consistent in that given the same seed the same random values get generated.
func NewRandomGenerator
func NewRandomGenerator(seed string) *RandomGenerator
NewRandomGenerator returns a random value generator seeded from the given string value.
func (*RandomGenerator) Bool
func (r *RandomGenerator) Bool() bool
Bool produces a random boolean.
func (*RandomGenerator) DateTime
func (r *RandomGenerator) DateTime() time.Time
DateTime produces a random date.
func (*RandomGenerator) File
func (r *RandomGenerator) File() string
File produces a random file.
func (*RandomGenerator) Float64
func (r *RandomGenerator) Float64() float64
Float64 produces a random float64 value.
func (*RandomGenerator) Int
func (r *RandomGenerator) Int() int
Int produces a random integer.
func (*RandomGenerator) String
func (r *RandomGenerator) String() string
String produces a random string.
func (*RandomGenerator) UUID
func (r *RandomGenerator) UUID() uuid.UUID
UUID produces a random UUID.
type ResourceDefinition
type ResourceDefinition struct {
// Resource name
Name string
// Schemes is the supported API URL schemes
Schemes []string
// Common URL prefix to all resource action HTTP requests
BasePath string
// Path and query string parameters that apply to all actions.
Params *AttributeDefinition
// Name of parent resource if any
ParentName string
// Optional description
Description string
// Default media type, describes the resource attributes
MediaType string
// Default view name if default media type is MediaTypeDefinition
DefaultViewName string
// Exposed resource actions indexed by name
Actions map[string]*ActionDefinition
// FileServers is the list of static asset serving endpoints
FileServers []*FileServerDefinition
// Action with canonical resource path
CanonicalActionName string
// Map of response definitions that apply to all actions indexed by name.
Responses map[string]*ResponseDefinition
// Request headers that apply to all actions.
Headers *AttributeDefinition
// Origins defines the CORS policies that apply to this resource.
Origins map[string]*CORSDefinition
// DSLFunc contains the DSL used to create this definition if any.
DSLFunc func()
// metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// Security defines security requirements for the Resource,
// for actions that don't define one themselves.
Security *SecurityDefinition
ResourceDefinition describes a REST resource. It defines both a media type and a set of actions that can be executed through HTTP requests.
func NewResourceDefinition
func NewResourceDefinition(name string, dsl func()) *ResourceDefinition
NewResourceDefinition creates a resource definition but does not execute the DSL.
func (*ResourceDefinition) AllOrigins
func (r *ResourceDefinition) AllOrigins() []*CORSDefinition
AllOrigins compute all CORS policies for the resource taking into account any API policy. The result is sorted alphabetically by policy origin.
func (*ResourceDefinition) CanonicalAction
func (r *ResourceDefinition) CanonicalAction() *ActionDefinition
CanonicalAction returns the canonical action of the resource if any. The canonical action is used to compute hrefs to resources.
func (*ResourceDefinition) Context
func (r *ResourceDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*ResourceDefinition) DSL
func (r *ResourceDefinition) DSL() func()
DSL returns the initialization DSL.
func (*ResourceDefinition) Finalize
func (r *ResourceDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize is run post DSL execution. It merges response definitions, creates implicit action parameters, initializes querystring parameters, sets path parameters as non zero attributes and sets the fallbacks for security schemes.
func (*ResourceDefinition) FullPath
func (r *ResourceDefinition) FullPath() string
FullPath computes the base path to the resource actions concatenating the API and parent resource base paths as needed.
func (*ResourceDefinition) IterateActions
func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateActions(it ActionIterator) error
IterateActions calls the given iterator passing in each resource action sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateActions returns that error.
func (*ResourceDefinition) IterateFileServers
func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateFileServers(it FileServerIterator) error
IterateFileServers calls the given iterator passing each resource file server sorted by file path. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateFileServers returns that error.
func (*ResourceDefinition) IterateHeaders
func (r *ResourceDefinition) IterateHeaders(it HeaderIterator) error
IterateHeaders calls the given iterator passing in each response sorted in alphabetical order. Iteration stops if an iterator returns an error and in this case IterateHeaders returns that error.
func (*ResourceDefinition) Parent
func (r *ResourceDefinition) Parent() *ResourceDefinition
Parent returns the parent resource if any, nil otherwise.
func (*ResourceDefinition) PathParams
func (r *ResourceDefinition) PathParams() *AttributeDefinition
PathParams returns the base path parameters of r.
func (*ResourceDefinition) PreflightPaths
func (r *ResourceDefinition) PreflightPaths() []string
PreflightPaths returns the paths that should handle OPTIONS requests.
func (*ResourceDefinition) URITemplate
func (r *ResourceDefinition) URITemplate() string
URITemplate returns a URI template to this resource. The result is the empty string if the resource does not have a “show” action and does not define a different canonical action.
func (*ResourceDefinition) UserTypes
func (r *ResourceDefinition) UserTypes() map[string]*UserTypeDefinition
UserTypes returns all the user types used by the resource action payloads and parameters.
func (*ResourceDefinition) Validate
func (r *ResourceDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate tests whether the resource definition is consistent: action names are valid and each action is valid.
type ResourceIterator
type ResourceIterator func(r *ResourceDefinition) error
ResourceIterator is the type of functions given to IterateResources.
type ResponseDefinition
type ResponseDefinition struct {
// Response name
Name string
// HTTP status
Status int
// Response description
Description string
// Response body type if any
Type DataType
// Response body media type if any
MediaType string
// Response view name if MediaType is MediaTypeDefinition
ViewName string
// Response header definitions
Headers *AttributeDefinition
// Parent action or resource
Parent dslengine.Definition
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
// Standard is true if the response definition comes from the goa default responses
Standard bool
ResponseDefinition defines a HTTP response status and optional validation rules.
func (*ResponseDefinition) Context
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*ResponseDefinition) Dup
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Dup() *ResponseDefinition
Dup returns a copy of the response definition.
func (*ResponseDefinition) Finalize
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize sets the response media type from its type if the type is a media type and no media type is already specified.
func (*ResponseDefinition) Merge
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Merge(other *ResponseDefinition)
Merge merges other into target. Only the fields of target that are not already set are merged.
func (*ResponseDefinition) Validate
func (r *ResponseDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the response definition is consistent: its status is set and the media type definition if any is valid.
type ResponseIterator
type ResponseIterator func(r *ResponseDefinition) error
ResponseIterator is the type of functions given to IterateResponses.
type ResponseTemplateDefinition
type ResponseTemplateDefinition struct {
// Response template name
Name string
// Response template function
Template func(params ...string) *ResponseDefinition
ResponseTemplateDefinition defines a response template. A response template is a function that takes an arbitrary number of strings and returns a response definition.
func (*ResponseTemplateDefinition) Context
func (r *ResponseTemplateDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
type RouteDefinition
type RouteDefinition struct {
// Verb is the HTTP method, e.g. "GET", "POST", etc.
Verb string
// Path is the URL path e.g. "/tasks/:id"
Path string
// Parent is the action this route applies to.
Parent *ActionDefinition
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
RouteDefinition represents an action route.
func (*RouteDefinition) Context
func (r *RouteDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*RouteDefinition) FullPath
func (r *RouteDefinition) FullPath() string
FullPath returns the action full path computed by concatenating the API and resource base paths with the action specific path.
func (*RouteDefinition) IsAbsolute
func (r *RouteDefinition) IsAbsolute() bool
IsAbsolute returns true if the action path should not be concatenated to the resource and API base paths.
func (*RouteDefinition) Params
func (r *RouteDefinition) Params() []string
Params returns the route parameters. For example for the route “GET /foo/:fooID” Params returns []string{“fooID”}.
func (*RouteDefinition) Validate
func (r *RouteDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the route definition is consistent: it has a parent.
type SecurityDefinition
type SecurityDefinition struct {
// Scheme defines the Security Scheme used for this action.
Scheme *SecuritySchemeDefinition
// Scopes are scopes required for this action
Scopes []string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
SecurityDefinition defines security requirements for an Action
func (*SecurityDefinition) Context
func (s *SecurityDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
type SecuritySchemeDefinition
type SecuritySchemeDefinition struct {
// Kind is the sort of security scheme this object represents
Kind SecuritySchemeKind
// DSLFunc is an optional DSL function
DSLFunc func()
// Scheme is the name of the security scheme, referenced in
// Security() declarations. Ex: "googAuth", "my_big_token", "jwt".
SchemeName string `json:"scheme"`
// Type is one of "apiKey", "oauth2" or "basic", according to the
// Swagger specs. We also support "jwt".
Type string `json:"type"`
// Description describes the security scheme. Ex: "Google OAuth2"
Description string `json:"description"`
// In determines whether it is in the "header" or in the "query"
// string that we will find an `apiKey`.
In string `json:"in,omitempty"`
// Name refers to a header or parameter name, based on In's value.
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
// Scopes is a list of available scopes for this scheme, along
// with their textual description.
Scopes map[string]string `json:"scopes,omitempty"`
// Flow determines the oauth2 flow to use for this scheme.
Flow string `json:"flow,omitempty"`
// TokenURL holds the URL for refreshing tokens with oauth2 or JWT
TokenURL string `json:"token_url,omitempty"`
// AuthorizationURL holds URL for retrieving authorization codes with oauth2
AuthorizationURL string `json:"authorization_url,omitempty"`
// Metadata is a list of key/value pairs
Metadata dslengine.MetadataDefinition
SecuritySchemeDefinition defines a security scheme used to authenticate against the API being designed. See for more information.
func (*SecuritySchemeDefinition) Context
func (s *SecuritySchemeDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*SecuritySchemeDefinition) DSL
func (s *SecuritySchemeDefinition) DSL() func()
DSL returns the DSL function
func (*SecuritySchemeDefinition) Finalize
func (s *SecuritySchemeDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize makes the TokenURL and AuthorizationURL complete if needed.
func (*SecuritySchemeDefinition) Validate
func (s *SecuritySchemeDefinition) Validate() error
Validate ensures that TokenURL and AuthorizationURL are valid URLs.
type SecuritySchemeKind
type SecuritySchemeKind int
SecuritySchemeKind is a type of security scheme, according to the swagger specs.
const (
// OAuth2SecurityKind means "oauth2" security type.
OAuth2SecurityKind SecuritySchemeKind = iota + 1
// BasicAuthSecurityKind means "basic" security type.
// APIKeySecurityKind means "apiKey" security type.
// JWTSecurityKind means an "apiKey" security type, with support for TokenPath and Scopes.
// NoSecurityKind means to have no security for this endpoint.
type UserTypeDefinition
type UserTypeDefinition struct {
// A user type is an attribute definition.
// Name of type
TypeName string
UserTypeDefinition is the type for user defined types that are not media types (e.g. payload types).
func NewUserTypeDefinition
func NewUserTypeDefinition(name string, dsl func()) *UserTypeDefinition
NewUserTypeDefinition creates a user type definition but does not execute the DSL.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) CanHaveDefault
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) CanHaveDefault() bool
CanHaveDefault calls CanHaveDefault on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Context
func (t *UserTypeDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) DSL
func (t *UserTypeDefinition) DSL() func()
DSL returns the initialization DSL.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Finalize
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Finalize()
Finalize merges base type attributes.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) HasAttributes
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) HasAttributes() bool
HasAttributes calls the HasAttributes on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) IsArray
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsArray() bool
IsArray calls IsArray on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) IsCompatible
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsCompatible(val interface{}) bool
IsCompatible returns true if val is compatible with u.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) IsHash
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsHash() bool
IsHash calls IsHash on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) IsObject
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsObject() bool
IsObject calls IsObject on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) IsPrimitive
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) IsPrimitive() bool
IsPrimitive calls IsPrimitive on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Kind
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Kind() Kind
Kind implements DataKind.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Name
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Name() string
Name returns the JSON type name.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) ToArray
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToArray() *Array
ToArray calls ToArray on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) ToHash
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToHash() *Hash
ToHash calls ToHash on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) ToObject
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) ToObject() Object
ToObject calls ToObject on the user type underlying data type.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Validate
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Validate(ctx string, parent dslengine.Definition) *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the user type definition is consistent: it has a name and the attribute backing the type is valid.
func (*UserTypeDefinition) Walk
func (u *UserTypeDefinition) Walk(walker func(*AttributeDefinition) error) error
Walk traverses the data structure recursively and calls the given function once on each attribute starting with the attribute returned by Definition.
type UserTypeIterator
type UserTypeIterator func(m *UserTypeDefinition) error
UserTypeIterator is the type of functions given to IterateUserTypes.
type ViewDefinition
type ViewDefinition struct {
// Set of properties included in view
// Name of view
Name string
// Parent media Type
Parent *MediaTypeDefinition
ViewDefinition defines which members and links to render when building a response. The view is a JSON object whose property names must match the names of the parent media type members. The members fields are inherited from the parent media type but may be overridden.
func (*ViewDefinition) Context
func (v *ViewDefinition) Context() string
Context returns the generic definition name used in error messages.
func (*ViewDefinition) Validate
func (v *ViewDefinition) Validate() *dslengine.ValidationErrors
Validate checks that the view definition is consistent: it has a parent media type and the underlying definition type is consistent.
type ViewIterator
type ViewIterator func(*ViewDefinition) error
ViewIterator is the type of the function given to IterateViews.
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