
import ""


Package dsl implements the goa DSL used to define HTTP APIs.

The HTTP DSL adds a “HTTP” function to the DSL constructs that require HTTP specific information. These include the API, Service, Method and Error DSLs.

For example:

var _ = API("name", func() {
    Description("Optional description")
    // HTTP specific properties
    HTTP(func() {
        // Base path for all the API requests.

The HTTP function defines the mapping of the data type attributes used in the generic DSL to HTTP parameters (for requests), headers and body fields.

For example:

var _ = Service("name", func() {
    Method("name", func() {
        Payload(PayloadType)     // has attributes rq1, rq2, rq3 and rq4
        Result(ResultType)       // has attributes rp1 and rp2
        Error("name", ErrorType) // has attributes er1 and er2

        HTTP(func() {
            GET("/{rq1}")    // rq1 read from path parameter
            Param("rq2")     // rq2 read from query string
            Header("rq3")    // rq3 read from header
            Body(func() {
                Attribute("rq4") // rq4 read from body field, default
            Response(StatusOK, func() {
                Header("rp1")    // rp1 written to header
                Body(func() {
                    Attribute("rp2") // rp2 written to body field, default
            Response(StatusBadRequest, func() {
                Header("er1")    // er1 written to header
                Body(func() {
                    Attribute("er2") // er2 written to body field, default

By default the payload, result and error type attributes define the request and response body fields respectively. Any attribute that is not explicitly mapped is used to define the request or response body. The default response status code is 200 OK for response types other than Empty and 204 NoContent for the Empty response type. The default response status code for errors is 400.

The example above can thus be simplified to:

var _ = Service("name", func() {
    Method("name", func() {
        Payload(PayloadType)     // has attributes rq1, rq2, rq3 and rq4
        Result(ResultType)       // has attributes rp1 and rp2
        Error("name", ErrorType) // has attributes er1 and er2

        HTTP(func() {
            GET("/{rq1}")    // rq1 read from path parameter
            Param("rq2")     // rq2 read from query string
            Header("rq3")    // rq3 read from header
            Response(StatusOK, func() {
                Header("rp1")    // rp1 written to header
            Response("name", StatusBadRequest, func() {
                Header("er1")    // er1 written to header


Package files

aliases.go description.go doc.go file_server.go http.go metadata.go response.go value.go

func API

func API(name string, fn func()) *design.APIExpr

API defines a network service API. It provides the API name, description and other global properties. There may only be one API declaration in a given design package.

API is a top level DSL. API takes two arguments: the name of the API and the defining DSL.


var _ = API("adder", func() {
    Title("title")                // Title used in documentation
    Description("description")    // Description used in documentation
    Version("2.0")                // Version of API
    TermsOfService("terms")       // Terms of use
    Contact(func() {              // Contact info
        Name("contact name")
        Email("contact email")
        URL("contact URL")
    License(func() {              // License
        Name("license name")
        URL("license URL")
    Docs(func() {                 // Documentation links
        Description("doc description")
        URL("doc URL")

func APIKey

func APIKey(scheme, name string, args ...interface{})

APIKey defines the attribute used to provide the API key to an endpoint secured with API keys. The parameters and usage of APIKey are the same as the goa DSL Attribute function except that it accepts an extra first argument corresponding to the name of the API key security scheme.

The generated code produced by goa uses the value of the corresponding payload field to set the API key value.

APIKey must appear in Payload or Type.


Method("secured_read", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        APIKey("api_key", "key", String, "API key used to perform authorization")
    HTTP(func() {
        Param("key:k") // Provide the key as a query string param "k"

Method("secured_write", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        APIKey("api_key", "key", String, "API key used to perform authorization")
        Attribute("data", String, "Data to be written")
        Required("key", "data")
    HTTP(func() {
        Header("key:Authorization") // Provide the key in Authorization header (default)

func APIKeySecurity

func APIKeySecurity(name string, fn ...func()) *design.SchemeExpr

APIKeySecurity defines an API key security scheme where a key must be provided by the client to perform authorization.

APIKeySecurity is a top level DSL.

APIKeySecurity takes a name as first argument and an optional DSL as second argument.


var APIKey = APIKeySecurity("key", func() {
      Description("Shared secret")

func AccessToken

func AccessToken(name string, args ...interface{})

AccessToken defines the attribute used to provide the access token to an endpoint secured with OAuth2. The parameters and usage of AccessToken are the same as the goa DSL Attribute function.

The generated code produced by goa uses the value of the corresponding payload field to initialize the Authorization header.

AccessToken must appear in Payload or Type.


Method("secured", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        AccessToken("token", String, "OAuth2 access token used to perform authorization")
    HTTP(func() {
        // The "Authorization" header is defined implicitly.

func ArrayOf

func ArrayOf(v interface{}, fn ...func()) *design.Array

ArrayOf creates an array type from its element type.

ArrayOf may be used wherever types can. The first argument of ArrayOf is the type of the array elements specified by name or by reference. The second argument of ArrayOf is an optional function that defines validations for the array elements.


var Names = ArrayOf(String, func() {
    Pattern("[a-zA-Z]+") // Validates elements of the array

var Account = Type("Account", func() {
    Attribute("bottles", ArrayOf(Bottle), "Account bottles", func() {
        MinLength(1) // Validates array as a whole

Note: CollectionOf and ArrayOf both return array types. CollectionOf returns a result type where ArrayOf returns a user type. In general you want to use CollectionOf if the argument is a result type and ArrayOf if it is a user type.

func Attribute

func Attribute(name string, args ...interface{})

Attribute describes a field of an object.

An attribute has a name, a type and optionally a default value, an example value and validation rules.

The type of an attribute can be one of:

  • The primitive types Boolean, Float32, Float64, Int, Int32, Int64, UInt,

    UInt32, UInt64, String or Bytes.

  • A user type defined via the Type function.

  • An array defined using the ArrayOf function.

  • An map defined using the MapOf function.

  • An object defined inline using Attribute to define the type fields


  • The special type Any to indicate that the attribute may take any of the

    types listed above.

Attribute must appear in ResultType, Type, Attribute or Attributes.

Attribute accepts one to four arguments, the valid usages of the function are:

Attribute(name)       // Attribute of type String with no description, no
                      // validation, default or example value

Attribute(name, fn)   // Attribute of type object with inline field
                      // definitions, description, validations, default
                      // and/or example value

Attribute(name, type) // Attribute with no description, no validation,
                      // no default or example value

Attribute(name, type, fn) // Attribute with description, validations,
                          // default and/or example value

Attribute(name, type, description)     // Attribute with no validation,
                                       // default or example value

Attribute(name, type, description, fn) // Attribute with description,
                                       // validations, default and/or
                                       // example value

Where name is a string indicating the name of the attribute, type specifies the attribute type (see above for the possible values), description a string providing a human description of the attribute and fn the defining DSL if any.

When defining the type inline using Attribute recursively the function takes the second form (name and DSL defining the type). The description can be provided using the Description function in this case.



Attribute("driver", Person)         // Use type defined with Type function

Attribute("driver", "Person")       // May also use the type name

Attribute("name", String, func() {
    Pattern("^foo")                 // Adds a validation rule

Attribute("driver", Person, func() {
    Required("name")                // Add required field to list of
})                                  // fields already required in Person

Attribute("name", String, func() {
    Default("bob")                  // Sets a default value

Attribute("name", String, "name of driver") // Sets a description

Attribute("age", Int32, "description", func() {
    Minimum(2)                       // Sets both a description and
                                     // validations

The definition below defines an attribute inline. The resulting type is an object with three attributes “name”, “age” and “child”. The “child” attribute is itself defined inline and has one child attribute “name”.

Attribute("driver", func() {           // Define type inline
    Description("Composite attribute") // Set description

    Attribute("name", String)          // Child attribute
    Attribute("age", Int32, func() {   // Another child attribute
        Description("Age of driver")
    Attribute("child", func() {        // Defines a child attribute
        Attribute("name", String)      // Grand-child attribute

    Required("name", "age")            // List required attributes

func Attributes

func Attributes(fn func())

Attributes implements the result type Attributes DSL. See ResultType.

func AuthorizationCodeFlow

func AuthorizationCodeFlow(authorizationURL, tokenURL, refreshURL string)

AuthorizationCodeFlow defines an authorizationCode OAuth2 flow as described in section 1.3.1 of RFC 6749.

AuthorizationCodeFlow must be used in OAuth2Security.

AuthorizationCodeFlow accepts three arguments: the authorization, token and refresh URLs.

func BasicAuthSecurity

func BasicAuthSecurity(name string, fn ...func()) *design.SchemeExpr

BasicAuthSecurity defines a basic authentication security scheme.

BasicAuthSecurity is a top level DSL.

BasicAuthSecurity takes a name as first argument and an optional DSL as second argument.


var Basic = BasicAuthSecurity("basicauth", func() {
    Description("Use your own password!")

func Body

func Body(args ...interface{})

Body describes a HTTP request or response body.

Body must appear in a Method HTTP expression to define the request body or in an Error or Result HTTP expression to define the response body. If Body is absent then the body is built using the HTTP endpoint request or response type attributes not used to describe parameters (request only) or headers.

Body accepts one argument which describes the shape of the body, it can be:

- The name of an attribute of the request or response type. In this case the
  attribute type describes the shape of the body.

- A function listing the body attributes. The attributes inherit the
  properties (description, type, validations etc.) of the request or
  response type attributes with identical names.

Assuming the type:

var CreatePayload = Type("CreatePayload", func() {
    Attribute("name", String, "Name of account")

The following:

Method("create", func() {

is equivalent to:

Method("create", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Body(func() {


func CONNECT(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

CONNECT creates a route using the CONNECT HTTP method. See GET.

func CanonicalMethod

func CanonicalMethod(name string)

CanonicalMethod sets the name of the service canonical method. The canonical method endpoint path is used to prefix the paths to any child service endpoint. The default value is “show”.

func ClientCredentialsFlow

func ClientCredentialsFlow(tokenURL, refreshURL string)

ClientCredentialsFlow defines an clientCredentials OAuth2 flow as described in section 1.3.4 of RFC 6749.

ClientCredentialsFlow must be used in OAuth2Security.

ClientCredentialsFlow accepts two arguments: the token and refresh URLs.

func Code

func Code(code int)

Code sets the Response status code.

func CollectionOf

func CollectionOf(v interface{}, adsl ...func()) *design.ResultTypeExpr

CollectionOf creates a collection result type from its element result type. A collection result type represents the content of responses that return a collection of values such as listings. The expression accepts an optional DSL as second argument that allows specifying which view(s) of the original result type apply.

The resulting result type identifier is built from the element result type by appending the result type parameter “type” with value “collection”.

CollectionOf must appear wherever ResultType can.

CollectionOf takes the element result type as first argument and an optional DSL as second argument.


var DivisionResult = ResultType("application/vnd.goa.divresult", func() {
    Attributes(func() {
        Attribute("value", Float64)
    View("default", func() {

var MultiResults = CollectionOf(DivisionResult)

func Consumes

func Consumes(args ...string)

Consumes adds a MIME type to the list of MIME types the APIs supports when accepting requests. While the DSL supports any MIME type, the code generator only knows to generate the code for “application/json”, “application/xml” and “application/gob”. The service code must provide the decoders for other MIME types.

Consumes must appear in the HTTP expression of API.

Consumes accepts one or more strings corresponding to the MIME types.


API("cellar", func() {
    // ...
    HTTP(func() {
        Consumes("application/json", "application/xml")
        // ...

func Contact

func Contact(fn func())

Contact sets the API contact information.

func ContentType

func ContentType(typ string)

ContentType sets the value of the Content-Type response header. By default the ID of the result type is used.

ContentType may appear in a ResultType or a Response expression. ContentType accepts one argument: the mime type as defined by RFC 6838.

   var _ = ResultType("application/vnd.myapp.mytype") {

   var _ = Method("add", func() {
	  HTTP(func() {
           Response(OK, func() {

func ConvertTo

func ConvertTo(obj interface{})

ConvertTo specifies an external type that instances of the generated struct are converted into. The generated struct is equipped with a method that makes it possible to instantiate the external type. The default algorithm used to match the external type fields to the design attributes is as follows:

1. Look for an attribute with the same name as the field
2. Look for an attribute with the same name as the field but with the
   first letter being lowercase
3. Look for an attribute with a name corresponding to the snake_case
   version of the field name

This algorithm does not apply if the attribute is equipped with the “struct.field.external” metadata. In this case the matching is done by looking up the field with a name corresponding to the value of the metadata. If the value of the metadata is “-” the attribute isn’t matched and no conversion code is generated for it. In all other cases it is an error if no match is found or if the matching field type does not correspond to the attribute type.

ConvertTo must appear in Type or ResutType.

ConvertTo accepts one arguments: an instance of the external type.


Service design:

var Bottle = Type("bottle", func() {
    Description("A bottle")
    // The "rating" attribute is matched to the external
    // typ "Rating" field.
    Attribute("rating", Int)
    Attribute("name", String, func() {
        // The "name" attribute is matched to the external
        // type "MyName" field.
        Metadata("struct.field.external", "MyName")
    Attribute("vineyard", String, func() {
        // The "vineyard" attribute is not converted.
        Metadata("struct.field.external", "-")

External (i.e. non design) package:

package model

type Bottle struct {
    Rating int
    // Mapped field
    MyName string
    // Additional fields are OK
    Description string

func CreateFrom

func CreateFrom(obj interface{})

CreateFrom specifies an external type that instances of the generated struct can be initialized from. The generated struct is equipped with a method that initializes its fields from an instance of the external type. The default algorithm used to match the external type fields to the design attributes is as follows:

1. Look for an attribute with the same name as the field
2. Look for an attribute with the same name as the field but with the
   first letter being lowercase
3. Look for an attribute with a name corresponding to the snake_case
   version of the field name

This algorithm does not apply if the attribute is equipped with the “struct.field.external” metadata. In this case the matching is done by looking up the field with a name corresponding to the value of the metadata. If the value of the metadata is “-” the attribute isn’t matched and no conversion code is generated for it. In all other cases it is an error if no match is found or if the matching field type does not correspond to the attribute type.

CreateFrom must appear in Type or ResutType.

CreateFrom accepts one arguments: an instance of the external type.


Service design:

var Bottle = Type("bottle", func() {
    Description("A bottle")
    Attribute("rating", Int)
    Attribute("name", String, func() {
        // The "name" attribute is matched to the external
        // type "MyName" field.
        Metadata("struct.field.external", "MyName")
    Attribute("vineyard", String, func() {
        // The "vineyard" attribute is not initialized by the
        // generated constructor method.
        Metadata("struct.field.external", "-")

External (i.e. non design) package:

package model

type Bottle struct {
    Rating int
    // Mapped field
    MyName string
    // Additional fields are OK
    Description string


func DELETE(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

DELETE creates a route using the DELETE HTTP method. See GET.

func Default

func Default(def interface{})

Default sets the default value for an attribute.

func Description

func Description(d string)

Description sets the expression description.

Description must appear in API, Service, Endpoint, Files, Response, Type, ResultType or Attribute.

Description accepts a single argument which is the description value.


var _ = API("cellar", func() {
    Description("The wine cellar API")

func Docs

func Docs(fn func())

Docs provides external documentation URLs for methods.

func Elem

func Elem(fn func())

Elem makes it possible to specify validations for array and map values.

func Email

func Email(email string)

Email sets the contact email.

func Enum

func Enum(vals ...interface{})

Enum adds a “enum” validation to the attribute. See

func Error

func Error(name string, args ...interface{})

Error describes a method error return value. The description includes a unique name (in the scope of the method), an optional type, description and DSL that further describes the type. If no type is specified then the built-in ErrorResult type is used. The DSL syntax is identical to the Attribute DSL.

Error must appear in the Service (to define error responses that apply to all the service methods) or Method expressions.

See Attribute for details on the Error arguments.


var _ = Service("divider", func() {
    Error("invalid_arguments") // Uses type ErrorResult

    // Method which uses the default type for its response.
    Method("divide", func() {
        Error("div_by_zero", DivByZero, "Division by zero")

func Example

func Example(args ...interface{})

Example provides an example value for a type, a parameter, a header or any attribute. Example supports two syntaxes: one syntax accepts two arguments where the first argument is a summary describing the example and the second a value provided directly or via a DSL which may also specify a long description. The other syntax accepts a single argument and is equivalent to using the first syntax where the summary is the string “default”.

If no example is explicitly provided in an attribute expression then a random example is generated unless the “swagger:example” metadata is set to “false”. See Metadata.

Example must appear in a Attributes or Attribute expression DSL.

Example takes one or two arguments: an optional summary and the example value or defining DSL.


Params(func() {
	Param("ZipCode:zip-code", String, "Zip code filter", func() {
		Example("Santa Barbara", "93111")
		Example("93117") // same as Example("default", "93117")

Attributes(func() {
	Attribute("ID", Int64, "ID is the unique bottle identifier")
	Example("The first bottle", func() {
		Description("This bottle has an ID set to 1")
		Value(Val{"ID": 1})
	Example("Another bottle", func() {
		Description("This bottle has an ID set to 5")
		Value(Val{"ID": 5})

func Extend

func Extend(t design.DataType)

Extend adds the parameter type attributes to the type using Extend. The parameter type must be an object.

Extend may be used in Type or ResultType. Extend accepts a single argument: the type or result type containing the attributes to be copied.


var CreateBottlePayload = Type("CreateBottlePayload", func() {
   Attribute("name", String, func() {
   Attribute("vintage", Int32, func() {

var UpdateBottlePayload = Type("UpatePayload", func() {
    Atribute("id", String, "ID of bottle to update")
    Extend(CreateBottlePayload) // Adds attributes "name" and "vintage"

func Fault

func Fault()

Fault qualifies an error type as describing errors due to a server-side fault.

Fault must appear in a Error expression.

Fault takes no argument.


var _ = Service("divider", func() {
     Error("internal_error", func() {

func Field

func Field(tag interface{}, name string, args ...interface{})

Field is syntactic sugar to define an attribute with the “rpc:tag” metadata set with the value of the first argument.

Field must appear wherever Attribute can.

Field takes the same arguments as Attribute with the addition of the tag value as first argument.


Field(1, "ID", String, func() {

func Files

func Files(path, filename string, fns ...func())

Files defines a endpoint that serves static assets. The logic for what to do when the filename points to a file vs. a directory is the same as the standard http package ServeFile function. The path may end with a wildcard that matches the rest of the URL (e.g. *filepath). If it does the matching path is appended to filename to form the full file path, so:

Files("/index.html", "/www/data/index.html")

returns the content of the file “/www/data/index.html” when requests are sent to “/index.html” and:

Files("/assets/*filepath", "/www/data/assets")

returns the content of the file “/www/data/assets/x/y/z” when requests are sent to “/assets/x/y/z”.

Files must appear in Service.

Files accepts 2 arguments and an optional DSL. The first argument is the request path which may use a wildcard starting with *. The second argument is the path on disk to the files being served. The file path may be absolute or relative to the current path of the process. The DSL allows setting a description and documentation.


var _ = Service("bottle", func() {
    Files("/index.html", "/www/data/index.html", func() {
        Description("Serve home page")
        Docs(func() {
            Description("Additional documentation")
            URL("<a href=""></a>")

func Format

func Format(f design.ValidationFormat)

Format adds a “format” validation to the attribute. See The formats supported by goa are:

FormatDate: RFC3339 date

FormatDateTime: RFC3339 date time

FormatUUID: RFC4122 uuid

FormatEmail: RFC5322 email address

FormatHostname: RFC1035 internet host name

FormatIPv4, FormatIPv6, FormatIP: RFC2373 IPv4, IPv6 address or either

FormatURI: RFC3986 URI

FormatMAC: IEEE 802 MAC-48, EUI-48 or EUI-64 MAC address

FormatCIDR: RFC4632 or RFC4291 CIDR notation IP address

FormatRegexp: RE2 regular expression

FormatJSON: JSON text

FormatRFC1123: RFC1123 date time

func GET

func GET(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

GET defines a route using the GET HTTP method. The route may use wildcards to define path parameters. Wildcards start with ‘{’ or with ‘{*’ and end with ‘}’. They must appear after a ‘/’.

A wildcard that starts with ‘{’ matches a section of the path (the value in between two slashes).

A wildcard that starts with ‘{*’ matches the rest of the path. Such wildcards must terminate the path.

GET must appear in a method HTTP function.

GET accepts one argument which is the request path.


var _ = Service("Manager", func() {
    Method("GetAccount", func() {
        HTTP(func() {

func HEAD

func HEAD(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

HEAD creates a route using the HEAD HTTP method. See GET.

func HTTP

func HTTP(fn func())

HTTP defines HTTP transport specific properties on a API, a service or a single method. The function maps the request and response types to HTTP properties such as parameters (via path wildcards or query strings), request or response headers, request or response bodies as well as response status code. HTTP also defines HTTP specific properties such as the method endpoint URLs and HTTP methods.

As a special case HTTP may be used to define the response generated for invalid requests and internal errors (errors returned by the service methods that don’t match any of the error responses defined in the design). This is the only use of HTTP allowed in the API expression. The attributes of the built in invalid request error are “id”, “status”, “code”, “detail” and “meta”, see ErrorResult.

The functions that appear in HTTP such as Header, Param or Body may take advantage of the request or response types (depending on whether they appear when describing the HTTP request or response). The properties of the header, parameter or body attributes inherit the properties of the attributes with the same names that appear in the request or response types. The functions may also define new attributes or override the existing request or response type attributes.

HTTP must appear in API, a Service or an Method expression.

HTTP accepts a single argument which is the defining DSL function.


var _ = API("calc", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Response(InvalidRequest, func() {
            Header("Error-Code:code") // Use the "code" attribute of the
                                      // invalid error struct to set the
                                      // value of the Error-Code header.


var _ = Service("calculator", func() {

    HTTP(func() {
        Path("/calc")      // Prefix to all request paths
        Error(ErrAuthFailure, StatusUnauthorized) // Define
                           // ErrAuthFailure HTTP response status code.
        Parent("account")  // Parent service, used to prefix request
                           // paths.
        CanonicalMethod("add") // Method whose path is used to prefix
                               // the paths of child service.

    Method("add", func() {
        Description("Add two operands")
        Error(ErrBadRequest, ErrorResult)

        HTTP(func() {
            GET("/add/{left}/{right}") // Define HTTP route. The "left"
                                       // and "right" parameter properties
                                       // are inherited from the
                                       // corresponding Operands attributes.
            Param("req:requestID")     // Use "requestID" attribute to
                                       // define "req" query string
            Header("requestID:X-RequestID")  // Use "requestID" attribute
                                             // of Operands to define shape
                                             // of X-RequestID header
            Response(StatusNoContent)        // Use status 204 on success
            Error(ErrBadRequest, BadRequest) // Use status code 400 for
                                             // ErrBadRequest responses


func Header

func Header(name string, args ...interface{})

Header describes a single HTTP header. The properties (description, type, validation etc.) of a header are inherited from the request or response type attribute with the same name by default.

Header must appear in the API HTTP expression (to define request headers common to all the API endpoints), a specific method HTTP expression (to define request headers), a Result expression (to define the response headers) or an Error expression (to define the error response headers). Header may also appear in a Headers expression.

Header accepts the same arguments as the Attribute function. The header name may define a mapping between the attribute name and the HTTP header name when they differ. The mapping syntax is “name of attribute:name of header”.


var _ = Service("account", func() {
    Method("create", func() {
        HTTP(func() {
            Header("auth:Authorization", String, "Auth token", func() {
                Pattern("^Bearer [^ ]+$")
            Response(StatusCreated, func() {
                Header("href") // Inherits description, type, validations
                               // etc. from Account href attribute

func Headers

func Headers(args interface{})

Headers groups a set of Header expressions. It makes it possible to list required headers using the Required function.

Headers must appear in an API or Service HTTP expression to define request headers common to all the API or service methods. Headers may also appear in a method, response or error HTTP expression to define the HTTP endpoint request and response headers.

Headers accepts one argument: Either a function listing the headers or a user type which must be an object and whose attributes define the headers.


var _ = API("cellar", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Headers(func() {
            Header("version:Api-Version", String, "API version", func() {
                Enum("1.0", "2.0")

func ImplicitFlow

func ImplicitFlow(authorizationURL, refreshURL string)

ImplicitFlow defines an implicit OAuth2 flow as described in section 1.3.2 of RFC 6749.

ImplicitFlow must be used in OAuth2Security.

ImplicitFlow accepts two arguments: the authorization and refresh URLs.

func JWTSecurity

func JWTSecurity(name string, fn ...func()) *design.SchemeExpr

JWTSecurity defines an HTTP security scheme where a JWT is passed in the request Authorization header as a bearer token to perform auth. This scheme supports defining scopes that endpoint may require to authorize the request. The scheme also supports specifying a token URL used to retrieve token values.

Since scopes are not compatible with the Swagger specification, the swagger generator inserts comments in the description of the different elements on which they are defined.

JWTSecurity is a top level DSL.

JWTSecurity takes a name as first argument and an optional DSL as second argument.


var JWT = JWTSecurity("jwt", func() {
    Scope("system:write", "Write to the system")
    Scope("system:read", "Read anything in there")

func Key

func Key(fn func())

Key makes it possible to specify validations for map keys.

func License

func License(fn func())

License sets the API license information.

func MapOf

func MapOf(k, v interface{}, fn ...func()) *design.Map

MapOf creates a map from its key and element types.

MapOf may be used wherever types can. MapOf takes two arguments: the key and value types either by name of by reference.


var ReviewByID = MapOf(Int64, String, func() {
    Key(func() {
        Minimum(1)           // Validates keys of the map
    Value(func() {
        Pattern("[a-zA-Z]+") // Validates values of the map

var Review = Type("Review", func() {
    Attribute("ratings", MapOf(Bottle, Int32), "Bottle ratings")

func MapParams

func MapParams(args ...interface{})

MapParams describes the query string parameters in a HTTP request.

MapParams must appear in a Method HTTP expression to map the query string parameters with the Method’s Payload.

MapParams accepts one optional argument which specifes the Payload attribute to which the query string parameters must be mapped. This Payload attribute must be a map. If no argument is specified, the query string parameters are mapped with the entire Payload (the Payload must be a map).


 var _ = Service("account", func() {
     Method("index", func() {
         Payload(MapOf(String, Int))
         HTTP(func() {

var _ = Service("account", func() {
    Method("show", func() {
        Payload(func() {
            Attribute("p", MapOf(String, String))
            Attribute("id", String)
        HTTP(func() {

func MaxLength

func MaxLength(val int)

MaxLength adds a “maxItems” validation to the attribute. See

func Maximum

func Maximum(val interface{})

Maximum adds a “maximum” validation to the attribute. See

func Metadata

func Metadata(name string, value ...string)

Metadata is a set of key/value pairs that can be assigned to an object. Each value consists of a slice of strings so that multiple invocation of the Metadata function on the same target using the same key builds up the slice. Metadata may be set on fields, methods, responses and service expressions.

While keys can have any value the following names are handled explicitly by goa when set on fields.

struct:field:name: overrides the Go struct field name generated by default by goa. Applicable to fields only.

Metadata("struct:field:name", "MyName")

struct:tag:xxx: sets the struct field tag xxx on generated Go structs. Overrides tags that goa would otherwise set. If the metadata value is a slice then the strings are joined with the space character as separator. Applicable to fields only.

Metadata("struct:tag:json", "myName,omitempty")
Metadata("struct:tag:xml", "myName,attr")

swagger:tag:xxx: sets the Swagger object field tag xxx. Applicable to services and endpoints.

Metadata("swagger:tag:Backend:desc", "description of 'Backend'")
Metadata("swagger:tag:Backend:url", "<a href=""></a>")
Metadata("swagger:tag:Backend:url:desc", "See more docs here")

swagger:summary: sets the Swagger operation summary field. Applicable to endpoints.

Metadata("swagger:summary", "Short summary of what endpoint does")

swagger:extension:xxx: defines a swagger extension value. Applicable to all constructs that support Metadata.

Metadata("swagger:extension:x-apis-json", `{"URL": "<a href=""></a>"}`)

The special key names listed above may be used as follows:

var Account = Type("Account", func() {
        Field("service", String, "Name of service", func() {
                // Override default name
                Metadata("struct:field:name", "ServiceName")

func Method

func Method(name string, fn func())

Method defines a single service method.

Method must appear in a Service expression.

Method takes two arguments: the name of the method and the defining DSL.


Method("add", func() {
    Description("The add method returns the sum of A and B")
    Docs(func() {
        Description("Add docs")

func MinLength

func MinLength(val int)

MinLength adds a “minItems” validation to the attribute. See

func Minimum

func Minimum(val interface{})

Minimum adds a “minimum” validation to the attribute. See

func MultipartRequest

func MultipartRequest()

MultipartRequest indicates that HTTP requests made to the method use MIME multipart encoding as defined in RFC 2046.

MultipartRequest must appear in a HTTP endpoint expression.

goa generates a custom encoder that writes the payload for requests made to HTTP endpoints that use MultipartRequest. The generated encoder accept a user provided function that does the actual mapping of the payload to the multipart content. The user provided function accepts a multipart writer and a reference to the payload and is responsible for encoding the payload. goa also generates a custom decoder that reads back the multipart content into the payload struct. The generated decoder also accepts a user provided function that takes a multipart reader and a reference to the payload struct as parameter. The user provided decoder is responsible for decoding the multipart content into the payload. The example command generates a default implementation for the user decoder and encoder.

func Name

func Name(name string)

Name sets the contact or license name.

func NoSecurity

func NoSecurity()

NoSecurity removes the need for an endpoint to perform authorization.

NoSecurity must appear in Method.

func OAuth2Security

func OAuth2Security(name string, fn ...func()) *design.SchemeExpr

OAuth2Security defines an OAuth2 security scheme. The DSL provided as second argument defines the specific flows supported by the scheme. The supported flow types are ImplicitFlow, PasswordFlow, ClientCredentialsFlow, and AuthorizationCodeFlow. The DSL also defines the scopes that may be associated with the incoming request tokens.

OAuth2Security is a top level DSL.

OAuth2Security takes a name as first argument and a DSL as second argument.


var OAuth2 = OAuth2Security("googauth", func() {

    Scope("api:write", "Write acess")
    Scope("api:read", "Read access")


func OPTIONS(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

OPTIONS creates a route using the OPTIONS HTTP method. See GET.

func PATCH

func PATCH(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

PATCH creates a route using the PATCH HTTP method. See GET.

func POST

func POST(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

POST creates a route using the POST HTTP method. See GET.

func PUT

func PUT(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

PUT creates a route using the PUT HTTP method. See GET.

func Param

func Param(name string, args ...interface{})

Param describes a single HTTP request path or query string parameter.

Param must appear in the API HTTP expression (to define request parameters common to all the API endpoints), a service HTTP expression to define common parameters to all the service methods or a specific method HTTP expression. Param may also appear in a Params expression.

Param accepts the same arguments as the Function Attribute.

The name may be of the form “name of attribute:name of parameter” to define a mapping between the attribute and parameter names when they differ.


var ShowPayload = Type("ShowPayload", func() {
    Attribute("id", UInt64, "Account ID")
    Attribute("version", String, "Version", func() {
        Enum("1.0", "2.0")

var _ = Service("account", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Param("parentID", UInt64, "ID of parent account")
    Method("show", func() {  // default response type.
        HTTP(func() {
            GET("/{id}")           // HTTP request uses ShowPayload "id"
                                   // attribute to define "id" parameter.
            Params(func() {        // Params makes it possible to group
                                   // Param expressions.
                Param("version:v") // "version" of ShowPayload to define
                                   // path and query string parameters.
                                   // Query string "v" maps to attribute
                                   // "version" of ShowPayload.
                Param("csrf", String) // HTTP only parameter not defined in
                                      // ShowPayload
                Required("crsf")   // Params makes it possible to list the
                                   // required parameters.

func Params

func Params(args interface{})

Params groups a set of Param expressions. It makes it possible to list required parameters using the Required function.

Params must appear in an API or Service HTTP expression to define the API or service base path and query string parameters. Params may also appear in an method HTTP expression to define the HTTP endpoint path and query string parameters.

Params accepts one argument: Either a function listing the parameters or a user type which must be an object and whose attributes define the parameters.


var _ = API("cellar", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Params(func() {
            Param("version", String, "API version", func() {
                Enum("1.0", "2.0")

func Parent

func Parent(name string)

Parent sets the name of the parent service. The parent service canonical method path is used as prefix for all the service HTTP endpoint paths.

func Password

func Password(name string, args ...interface{})

Password defines the attribute used to provide the password to an endpoint secured with basic authentication. The parameters and usage of Password are the same as the goa DSL Attribute function.

The generated code produced by goa uses the value of the corresponding payload field to compute the basic authentication Authorization header value.

Password must appear in Payload or Type.


Method("login", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Username("user", String)
        Password("pass", String)
    HTTP(func() {
        // The "Authorization" header is defined implicitly.

func PasswordFlow

func PasswordFlow(tokenURL, refreshURL string)

PasswordFlow defines an Resource Owner Password Credentials OAuth2 flow as described in section 1.3.3 of RFC 6749.

PasswordFlow must be used in OAuth2Security.

PasswordFlow accepts two arguments: the token and refresh URLs.

func Path

func Path(val string)

Path defines an API or service base path, i.e. a common path prefix to all the API or service methods. The path may define wildcards (see GET for a description of the wildcard syntax). The corresponding parameters must be described using Params. Multiple base paths may be defined for services.

func Pattern

func Pattern(p string)

Pattern adds a “pattern” validation to the attribute. See

func Payload

func Payload(val interface{}, args ...interface{})

Payload defines the data type of an method input. Payload also makes the input required.

Payload must appear in a Method expression.

Payload takes one to three arguments. The first argument is either a type or a DSL function. If the first argument is a type then an optional description may be passed as second argument. Finally a DSL may be passed as last argument that further specializes the type by providing additional validations (e.g. list of required attributes)

The valid usage for Payload are thus:



Payload(Type, "description")

Payload(Type, func())

Payload(Type, "description", func())


Method("upper"), func() {
    // Use primitive type.

Method("upper"), func() {
    // Use primitive type.and description
    Payload(String, "string to convert to uppercase")

Method("upper"), func() {
    // Use primitive type, description and validations
    Payload(String, "string to convert to uppercase", func() {

Method("add", func() {
    // Define payload data structure inline
    Payload(func() {
        Description("Left and right operands to add")
        Attribute("left", Int32, "Left operand")
        Attribute("right", Int32, "Left operand")
        Required("left", "right")

Method("add", func() {
    // Define payload type by reference to user type

Method("divide", func() {
    // Specify additional required attributes on user type.
    Payload(Operands, func() {
        Required("left", "right")

func Produces

func Produces(args ...string)

Produces adds a MIME type to the list of MIME types the APIs supports when writing responses. While the DSL supports any MIME type, the code generator only knows to generate the code for “application/json”, “application/xml” and “application/gob”. The service code must provide the encoders for other MIME types.

Produces must appear in the HTTP expression of API.

Produces accepts one or more strings corresponding to the MIME types.


API("cellar", func() {
    // ...
    HTTP(func() {
        Produces("application/json", "application/xml")
        // ...

func Reference

func Reference(t design.DataType)

Reference sets a type or result type reference. The value itself can be a type or a result type. The reference type attributes define the default properties for attributes with the same name in the type using the reference.

Reference may be used in Type or ResultType, it may appear multiple times in which case attributes are looked up in each reference in order of appearance in the DSL.

Reference accepts a single argument: the type or result type containing the attributes that define the default properties of the attributes of the type or result type that uses Reference.


var Bottle = Type("bottle", func() {
	Attribute("name", String, func() {
	Attribute("vintage", Int32, func() {
	Attribute("somethingelse", String)

var BottleResult = ResultType("vnd.goa.bottle", func() {
	Attributes(func() {
		Attribute("id", UInt64, "ID is the bottle identifier")

		// The type and validation of "name" and "vintage" are
		// inherited from the Bottle type "name" and "vintage"
		// attributes.

func Required

func Required(names ...string)

Required adds a “required” validation to the attribute. See

func Response

func Response(val interface{}, args ...interface{})

Response describes a single HTTP response. Response describes both success and error responses. When describing an error response the first argument is the name of the error.

While a service method may only define a single result type Response may be called multiple times to define multiple success HTTP responses. In this case the Tag expression makes it possible to specify the name of a field in the method result type and a value that the field must have for the corresponding response to be sent. The tag field must be of type String.

Response allows specifying the response status code as an argument or via the Code expression, headers via the Header and ContentType expressions and body via the Body expression.

By default success HTTP responses use status code 200 and error HTTP responses use status code 400. Also by default the responses use the method result type (success responses) or error type (error responses) to define the response body shape.

Additionally if the response type is a result type then the “Content-Type” response header is set with the corresponding content type (either the value set with ContentType in the result type DSL or the result type identifier).

In other words given the following type:

var AccountResult = ResultType("application/vnd.goa.account", func() {
    Attributes(func() {
        Attribute("href", String, "Account API href")
        Attribute("name", String, "Account name")
    View("default", func() {

the following:

Method("show", func() {

is equivalent to:

Method("show", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Response(func() {

Also by default attributes of the response type that are not used to define headers are used to define the response body shape.

The following:

Method("show", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Response(func() {

is thus equivalent to:

Method("show", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Response(func() {
            Header("href", String, "Account API href")
            Body(func() {
                Attribute("name", String, "Account name")

Response must appear in a API or service HTTP expression to define error responses common to all the API or service methods. Response may also appear in an method HTTP expression to define both the success and error responses specific to the method.

Response takes one to three arguments. Success responses accept a status code or a function as first argument. If the first argument is a status code then a function may be given as second argument. The valid invocations are thus:

  • Response(func)

  • Response(status)

  • Response(status, func)

Error responses additionally accept the name of the error as first argument.

  • Response(error_name, func)

  • Response(error_name, status)

  • Response(error_name, status, func)


Method("create", func() {

    HTTP(func() {
        Response(func() {
            Description("Response used when item already exists")
            Code(StatusNoContent) // HTTP status code set using Code
            Body(Empty)           // Override method result type

        Response(StatusCreated, func () { // Uses HTTP status code 201 Created and
            Tag("outcome", "created")     // CreateResult type to describe body

        Response(StatusAccepted, func() {
            Tag("outcome", "accepted")    // Tag identifies result struct field and field
                                          // value used to identify how to encode response.
            Description("Response used for async creations")
            Body(func() {
                Attribute("taskHref", String, "API href to async task")

        Response("an_error", StatusConflict) // Override default of 400

func Result

func Result(val interface{}, args ...interface{})

Result defines the data type of a method output.

Result must appear in a Method expression.

Result takes one to three arguments. The first argument is either a type or a DSL function. If the first argument is a type then an optional description may be passed as second argument. Finally a DSL may be passed as last argument that further specializes the type by providing additional validations (e.g. list of required attributes) The DSL may also specify a view when the first argument is a result type corresponding to the view rendered by this method. If no view is specified then the generated code defines response methods for all views.

The valid syntax for Result is thus:



Result(Type, "description")

Result(Type, func())

Result(Type, "description", func())


// Define result using primitive type
Method("add", func() {

// Define result using primitive type and description
Method("add", func() {
    Result(Int32, "Resulting sum")

// Define result using primitive type, description and validations.
Method("add", func() {
    Result(Int32, "Resulting sum", func() {

// Define result using object defined inline
Method("add", func() {
    Result(func() {
        Description("Result defines a single field which is the sum.")
        Attribute("value", Int32, "Resulting sum")

// Define result type using user type
Method("add", func() {

// Specify view and required attributes on result type
Method("add", func() {
    Result(Sum, func() {

func ResultType

func ResultType(identifier string, fn func()) *design.ResultTypeExpr

ResultType defines a result type used to describe a method response.

Result types have a unique identifier as described in RFC 6838. The identifier defines the default value for the Content-Type header of HTTP responses.

The result type expression includes a listing of all the response attributes. Views specify which of the attributes are actually rendered so that the same result type expression may represent multiple rendering of a given response.

All result types have a view named “default”. This view is used to render the result type in responses when no other view is specified. If the default view is not explicitly described in the DSL then one is created that lists all the result type attributes.

ResultType is a top level DSL.

ResultType accepts two arguments: the result type identifier and the defining DSL.


var BottleMT = ResultType("application/vnd.goa.example.bottle", func() {
    Description("A bottle of wine")
    TypeName("BottleResult")         // Override generated type name
    ContentType("application/json") // Override Content-Type header

    Attributes(func() {
        Attribute("id", Int, "ID of bottle")
        Attribute("href", String, "API href of bottle")
        Attribute("account", Account, "Owner account")
        Attribute("origin", Origin, "Details on wine origin")
        Required("id", "href")

    View("default", func() {        // Explicitly define default view

    View("extended", func() {       // Define "extended" view

func Scope

func Scope(name string, desc ...string)

Scope has two uses: in JWTSecurity or OAuth2Security it defines a scope supported by the scheme. In Security it lists required scopes.

Scope must appear in Security, JWTSecurity or OAuth2Security.

Scope accepts one or two arguments: the first argument is the scope name and when used in JWTSecurity or OAuth2Security the second argument is a description.


var JWT = JWTSecurity("JWT", func() {
    Scope("api:read", "Read access") // Defines a scope
    Scope("api:write", "Write access")

Method("secured", func() {
    Security(JWT, func() {
        Scope("api:read") // Required scope for auth

func Security

func Security(args ...interface{})

Security defines authentication requirements to access an API, a service or a service method.

The requirement refers to one or more OAuth2Security, BasicAuthSecurity, APIKeySecurity or JWTSecurity security scheme. If the schemes include a OAuth2Security or JWTSecurity scheme then required scopes may be listed by name in the Security DSL. All the listed schemes must be validated by the client for the request to be authorized. Security may appear multiple times in the same scope in which case the client may validate any one of the requirements for the request to be authorized.

Security must appear in a API, Service or Method expression.

Security accepts an arbitrary number of security schemes as argument specified by name or by reference and an optional DSL function as last argument.


var _ = API("calc", func() {
    // All API endpoints are secured via basic auth by default.

var _ = Service("calculator", func() {
    // Override default API security requirements. Accept either basic
    // auth or OAuth2 access token with "api:read" scope.
    Security("oauth2", func() {

    Method("add", func() {
        Description("Add two operands")

        // Override default service security requirements. Require
        // both basic auth and OAuth2 access token with "api:write"
        // scope.
        Security(BasicAuth, "oauth2", func() {

        Error(ErrBadRequest, ErrorResult)

    Method("health-check", func() {
        Description("Check health")

        // Remove need for authorization for this endpoint.

        Error(ErrBadRequest, ErrorResult)

func Server

func Server(url string, fn ...func())

Server defines an API host.

func Service

func Service(name string, fn func()) *design.ServiceExpr

Service defines a group of related methods. Refer to the transport specific DSLs to learn how to provide transport specific information.

Service is as a top level expression. Service accepts two arguments: the name of the service (which must be unique in the design package) and its defining DSL.


var _ = Service("divider", func() {
    Description("divider service") // Optional description

    DefaultType(DivideResult) // Default response type for the service
                              // methods. Also defines default
                              // properties (type, description and
                              // validations) for attributes with
                              // identical names in request types.

    Error("Unauthorized", Unauthorized) // Error response that applies to
                                        // all methods

    Method("divide", func() {     // Defines a single method
        Description("The divide method returns the division of A and B")
        Request(DivideRequest)    // Request type listing all request
                                  // parameters in its attributes.
        Response(DivideResponse)  // Response type.
        Error("DivisionByZero", DivByZero) // Error, has a name and
                                           // optionally a type
                                           // (DivByZero) describes the
                                           // error response.

func StreamingPayload

func StreamingPayload(val interface{}, args ...interface{})

StreamingPayload defines a method that accepts a stream of instances of the given type.

StreamingPayload must appear in a Method expression.

The arguments to a StreamingPayload DSL is same as the Payload DSL.


   // Method payload is the JWT token and the method streaming payload is a
   // stream of strings.
   Method("upper", func() {
       Payload(func() {
           Token("token", String, func() {
					      Description("JWT used for authentication")

   // Method streaming payload is a stream of string with validation set
		// on each
   Method("upper"), func() {
       StreamingPayload(String, "string to convert to uppercase", func() {

   // Method payload is a stream of objects defined inline
   Method("add", func() {
       StreamingPayload(func() {
           Description("Left and right operands to add")
           Attribute("left", Int32, "Left operand")
           Attribute("right", Int32, "Left operand")
           Required("left", "right")

   // Method payload is a stream of user type
   Method("add", func() {

func StreamingResult

func StreamingResult(val interface{}, args ...interface{})

StreamingResult defines a method that streams instances of the given type.

StreamingResult must appear in a Method expression.

The arguments to a StreamingResult DSL is same as the Result DSL.


// Method result is a stream of integers
Method("add", func() {

Method("add", func() {
    StreamingResult(Int32, "Resulting sum")

// Method result is a stream of integers with validation set on each
Method("add", func() {
    StreamingResult(Int32, "Resulting sum", func() {

// Method result is a stream of objects defined inline
Method("add", func() {
    StreamingResult(func() {
        Description("Result defines a single field which is the sum.")
        Attribute("value", Int32, "Resulting sum")

// Method result is a stream of user type
Method("add", func() {

// Method result is a stream of result type with a view
Method("add", func() {
    StreamingResult(Sum, func() {

func TRACE

func TRACE(path string) *httpdesign.RouteExpr

TRACE creates a route using the TRACE HTTP method. See GET.

func Tag

func Tag(name, value string)

Tag identifies a method result type field and a value. The algorithm that encodes the result into the HTTP response iterates through the responses and uses the first response that has a matching tag (that is for which the result field with the tag name matches the tag value). There must be one and only one response with no Tag expression, this response is used when no other tag matches.

Tag must appear in Response.

Tag accepts two arguments: the name of the field and the (string) value.


Method("create", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
        Response(StatusCreated, func() {
            Tag("outcome", "created") // Assumes CreateResult has attribute
                                      // "outcome" which may be "created"
                                      // or "accepted"

        Response(StatusAccepted, func() {
            Tag("outcome", "accepted")

        Response(StatusOK)            // Default response if "outcome" is
                                      // neither "created" nor "accepted"

func Temporary

func Temporary()

Temporary qualifies an error type as describing temporary (i.e. retryable) errors.

Temporary must appear in a Error expression.

Temporary takes no argument.


var _ = Service("divider", func() {
     Error("request_timeout", func() {

func TermsOfService

func TermsOfService(terms string)

TermsOfService describes the API terms of services or links to them.

func Timeout

func Timeout()

Timeout qualifies an error type as describing errors due to timeouts.

Timeout must appear in a Error expression.

Timeout takes no argument.


   var _ = Service("divider", func() {
	   Error("request_timeout", func() {

func Title

func Title(val string)

Title sets the API title used by the generated documentation and code comments.

func Token

func Token(name string, args ...interface{})

Token defines the attribute used to provide the JWT to an endpoint secured via JWT. The parameters and usage of Token are the same as the goa DSL Attribute function.

The generated code produced by goa uses the value of the corresponding payload field to initialize the Authorization header.


Method("secured", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Token("token", String, "JWT token used to perform authorization")
    HTTP(func() {
        // The "Authorization" header is defined implicitly.

func Type

func Type(name string, args ...interface{}) design.UserType

Type defines a user type. A user type has a unique name and may be an alias to an existing type or may describe a completely new type using a list of attributes (object fields). Attribute types may themselves be user type. When a user type is defined as an alias to another type it may define additional validations - for example it a user type which is an alias of String may define a validation pattern that all instances of the type must match.

Type is a top level definition.

Type takes two or three arguments: the first argument is the name of the type. The name must be unique. The second argument is either another type or a function. If the second argument is a type then there may be a function passed as third argument.


// simple alias
var MyString = Type("MyString", String)

// alias with description and additional validation
var Hostname = Type("Hostname", String, func() {
    Description("A host name")

// new type
var SumPayload = Type("SumPayload", func() {
    Description("Type sent to add method")

    Attribute("a", String)                 // string attribute "a"
    Attribute("b", Int32, "operand")       // attribute with description
    Attribute("operands", ArrayOf(Int32))  // array attribute
    Attribute("ops", MapOf(String, Int32)) // map attribute
    Attribute("c", SumMod)                 // attribute using user type
    Attribute("len", Int64, func() {       // attribute with validation

    Required("a")                          // Required attributes
    Required("b", "c")

func TypeName

func TypeName(name string)

TypeName makes it possible to set the Go struct name for a type or result type in the generated code. By default goa uses the name (type) or identifier (result type) given in the DSL and computes a valid Go identifier from it. This function makes it possible to override that and provide a custom name. name must be a valid Go identifier.

func URL

func URL(url string)

URL sets the contact, license or external documentation URL.

URL must appear in Contact, License or Docs

URL accepts a single argument which is the URL.


Docs(func() {
    Description("Additional information")
    URL("<a href=""></a>")

func Username

func Username(name string, args ...interface{})

Username defines the attribute used to provide the username to an endpoint secured with basic authentication. The parameters and usage of Username are the same as the goa DSL Attribute function.

The generated code produced by goa uses the value of the corresponding payload field to compute the basic authentication Authorization header value.

Username must appear in Payload or Type.


Method("login", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Username("user", String)
        Password("pass", String)
    HTTP(func() {
        // The "Authorization" header is defined implicitly.

func Value

func Value(val interface{})

Value sets the example value.

Value must appear in Example.

Value takes one argument: the example value.


Example("A simple bottle", func() {
	Description("This bottle has an ID set to 1")
	Value(Val{"ID": 1})

func Version

func Version(ver string)

Version specifies the API version. One design describes one version.

func View

func View(name string, adsl ...func())

View adds a new view to a result type. A view has a name and lists attributes that are rendered when the view is used to produce a response. The attribute names must appear in the result type expression. If an attribute is itself a result type then the view may specify which view to use when rendering the attribute using the View function in the View DSL. If not specified then the view named “default” is used.

View must appear in a ResultType expression.

View accepts two arguments: the view name and its defining DSL.


View("default", func() {
	// "id" and "name" must be result type attributes

View("extended", func() {
	Attribute("origin", func() {
		// Use view "extended" to render attribute "origin"

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