
import ""



Package files

encode_decode.go paths.go server.go types.go

func DecodeEchoerRequest

func DecodeEchoerRequest(mux goahttp.Muxer, decoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, error)

DecodeEchoerRequest returns a decoder for requests sent to the chatter echoer endpoint.

func DecodeHistoryRequest

func DecodeHistoryRequest(mux goahttp.Muxer, decoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, error)

DecodeHistoryRequest returns a decoder for requests sent to the chatter history endpoint.

func DecodeListenerRequest

func DecodeListenerRequest(mux goahttp.Muxer, decoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, error)

DecodeListenerRequest returns a decoder for requests sent to the chatter listener endpoint.

func DecodeLoginRequest

func DecodeLoginRequest(mux goahttp.Muxer, decoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, error)

DecodeLoginRequest returns a decoder for requests sent to the chatter login endpoint.

func DecodeSummaryRequest

func DecodeSummaryRequest(mux goahttp.Muxer, decoder func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder) func(*http.Request) (interface{}, error)

DecodeSummaryRequest returns a decoder for requests sent to the chatter summary endpoint.

func EchoerChatterPath

func EchoerChatterPath() string

EchoerChatterPath returns the URL path to the chatter service echoer HTTP endpoint.

func EncodeEchoerError

func EncodeEchoerError(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error) error

EncodeEchoerError returns an encoder for errors returned by the echoer chatter endpoint.

func EncodeHistoryError

func EncodeHistoryError(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error) error

EncodeHistoryError returns an encoder for errors returned by the history chatter endpoint.

func EncodeListenerError

func EncodeListenerError(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error) error

EncodeListenerError returns an encoder for errors returned by the listener chatter endpoint.

func EncodeLoginError

func EncodeLoginError(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error) error

EncodeLoginError returns an encoder for errors returned by the login chatter endpoint.

func EncodeLoginResponse

func EncodeLoginResponse(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, interface{}) error

EncodeLoginResponse returns an encoder for responses returned by the chatter login endpoint.

func EncodeSummaryError

func EncodeSummaryError(encoder func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder) func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error) error

EncodeSummaryError returns an encoder for errors returned by the summary chatter endpoint.

func HistoryChatterPath

func HistoryChatterPath() string

HistoryChatterPath returns the URL path to the chatter service history HTTP endpoint.

func ListenerChatterPath

func ListenerChatterPath() string

ListenerChatterPath returns the URL path to the chatter service listener HTTP endpoint.

func LoginChatterPath

func LoginChatterPath() string

LoginChatterPath returns the URL path to the chatter service login HTTP endpoint.

func Mount

func Mount(mux goahttp.Muxer, h *Server)

Mount configures the mux to serve the chatter endpoints.

func MountEchoerHandler

func MountEchoerHandler(mux goahttp.Muxer, h http.Handler)

MountEchoerHandler configures the mux to serve the “chatter” service “echoer” endpoint.

func MountHistoryHandler

func MountHistoryHandler(mux goahttp.Muxer, h http.Handler)

MountHistoryHandler configures the mux to serve the “chatter” service “history” endpoint.

func MountListenerHandler

func MountListenerHandler(mux goahttp.Muxer, h http.Handler)

MountListenerHandler configures the mux to serve the “chatter” service “listener” endpoint.

func MountLoginHandler

func MountLoginHandler(mux goahttp.Muxer, h http.Handler)

MountLoginHandler configures the mux to serve the “chatter” service “login” endpoint.

func MountSummaryHandler

func MountSummaryHandler(mux goahttp.Muxer, h http.Handler)

MountSummaryHandler configures the mux to serve the “chatter” service “summary” endpoint.

func NewEchoerHandler

func NewEchoerHandler(
    endpoint goa.Endpoint,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
    up goahttp.Upgrader,
    connConfigFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc,
) http.Handler

NewEchoerHandler creates a HTTP handler which loads the HTTP request and calls the “chatter” service “echoer” endpoint.

func NewEchoerPayload

func NewEchoerPayload(token string) *chattersvc.EchoerPayload

NewEchoerPayload builds a chatter service echoer endpoint payload.

func NewHistoryHandler

func NewHistoryHandler(
    endpoint goa.Endpoint,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
    up goahttp.Upgrader,
    connConfigFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc,
) http.Handler

NewHistoryHandler creates a HTTP handler which loads the HTTP request and calls the “chatter” service “history” endpoint.

func NewHistoryPayload

func NewHistoryPayload(view *string, token string) *chattersvc.HistoryPayload

NewHistoryPayload builds a chatter service history endpoint payload.

func NewListenerHandler

func NewListenerHandler(
    endpoint goa.Endpoint,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
    up goahttp.Upgrader,
    connConfigFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc,
) http.Handler

NewListenerHandler creates a HTTP handler which loads the HTTP request and calls the “chatter” service “listener” endpoint.

func NewListenerPayload

func NewListenerPayload(token string) *chattersvc.ListenerPayload

NewListenerPayload builds a chatter service listener endpoint payload.

func NewLoginHandler

func NewLoginHandler(
    endpoint goa.Endpoint,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
) http.Handler

NewLoginHandler creates a HTTP handler which loads the HTTP request and calls the “chatter” service “login” endpoint.

func NewLoginPayload

func NewLoginPayload() *chattersvc.LoginPayload

NewLoginPayload builds a chatter service login endpoint payload.

func NewSummaryHandler

func NewSummaryHandler(
    endpoint goa.Endpoint,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
    up goahttp.Upgrader,
    connConfigFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc,
) http.Handler

NewSummaryHandler creates a HTTP handler which loads the HTTP request and calls the “chatter” service “summary” endpoint.

func NewSummaryPayload

func NewSummaryPayload(token string) *chattersvc.SummaryPayload

NewSummaryPayload builds a chatter service summary endpoint payload.

func SummaryChatterPath

func SummaryChatterPath() string

SummaryChatterPath returns the URL path to the chatter service summary HTTP endpoint.

type ChatSummaryResponseBody

type ChatSummaryResponseBody struct {
    // Message sent to the server
    Message string `form:"message" json:"message" xml:"message"`
    // Length of the message sent
    Length *int `form:"length,omitempty" json:"length,omitempty" xml:"length,omitempty"`
    // Time at which the message was sent
    SentAt *string `form:"sent_at,omitempty" json:"sent_at,omitempty" xml:"sent_at,omitempty"`

ChatSummaryResponseBody is used to define fields on response body types.

func (*ChatSummaryResponseBody) Validate

func (body *ChatSummaryResponseBody) Validate() (err error)

Validate runs the validations defined on ChatSummaryResponseBody

type ChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection

type ChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection []*ChatSummaryResponseBody

ChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection is the type of the “chatter” service “summary” endpoint HTTP response body.

func NewChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection

func NewChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection(res chattersvcviews.ChatSummaryCollectionView) ChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection

NewChatSummaryResponseBodyCollection builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “summary” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type EchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody

type EchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody string

EchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “echoer” endpoint HTTP response body for the “invalid-scopes” error.

func NewEchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody

func NewEchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody(res chattersvc.InvalidScopes) EchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody

NewEchoerInvalidScopesResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “echoer” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type EchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody

type EchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody string

EchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “echoer” endpoint HTTP response body for the “unauthorized” error.

func NewEchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody

func NewEchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody(res chattersvc.Unauthorized) EchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody

NewEchoerUnauthorizedResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “echoer” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type ErrorNamer

type ErrorNamer interface {
    ErrorName() string

ErrorNamer is an interface implemented by generated error structs that exposes the name of the error as defined in the design.

type HistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody

type HistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody string

HistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “history” endpoint HTTP response body for the “invalid-scopes” error.

func NewHistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody

func NewHistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody(res chattersvc.InvalidScopes) HistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody

NewHistoryInvalidScopesResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “history” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type HistoryResponseBody

type HistoryResponseBody struct {
    // Message sent to the server
    Message string `form:"message" json:"message" xml:"message"`
    // Length of the message sent
    Length *int `form:"length,omitempty" json:"length,omitempty" xml:"length,omitempty"`
    // Time at which the message was sent
    SentAt *string `form:"sent_at,omitempty" json:"sent_at,omitempty" xml:"sent_at,omitempty"`

HistoryResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “history” endpoint HTTP response body.

func NewHistoryResponseBody

func NewHistoryResponseBody(res *chattersvcviews.ChatSummaryView) *HistoryResponseBody

NewHistoryResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “history” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type HistoryResponseBodyTiny

type HistoryResponseBodyTiny struct {
    // Message sent to the server
    Message string `form:"message" json:"message" xml:"message"`

HistoryResponseBodyTiny is the type of the “chatter” service “history” endpoint HTTP response body.

func NewHistoryResponseBodyTiny

func NewHistoryResponseBodyTiny(res *chattersvcviews.ChatSummaryView) *HistoryResponseBodyTiny

NewHistoryResponseBodyTiny builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “history” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type HistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody

type HistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody string

HistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “history” endpoint HTTP response body for the “unauthorized” error.

func NewHistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody

func NewHistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody(res chattersvc.Unauthorized) HistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody

NewHistoryUnauthorizedResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “history” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type ListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody

type ListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody string

ListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “listener” endpoint HTTP response body for the “invalid-scopes” error.

func NewListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody

func NewListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody(res chattersvc.InvalidScopes) ListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody

NewListenerInvalidScopesResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “listener” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type ListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody

type ListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody string

ListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “listener” endpoint HTTP response body for the “unauthorized” error.

func NewListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody

func NewListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody(res chattersvc.Unauthorized) ListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody

NewListenerUnauthorizedResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “listener” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type LoginUnauthorizedResponseBody

type LoginUnauthorizedResponseBody string

LoginUnauthorizedResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “login” endpoint HTTP response body for the “unauthorized” error.

func NewLoginUnauthorizedResponseBody

func NewLoginUnauthorizedResponseBody(res chattersvc.Unauthorized) LoginUnauthorizedResponseBody

NewLoginUnauthorizedResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “login” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type MountPoint

type MountPoint struct {
    // Method is the name of the service method served by the mounted HTTP handler.
    Method string
    // Verb is the HTTP method used to match requests to the mounted handler.
    Verb string
    // Pattern is the HTTP request path pattern used to match requests to the
    // mounted handler.
    Pattern string

MountPoint holds information about the mounted endpoints.

type Server

type Server struct {
    Mounts   []*MountPoint
    Login    http.Handler
    Echoer   http.Handler
    Listener http.Handler
    Summary  http.Handler
    History  http.Handler

Server lists the chatter service endpoint HTTP handlers.

func New

func New(
    e *chattersvc.Endpoints,
    mux goahttp.Muxer,
    dec func(*http.Request) goahttp.Decoder,
    enc func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter) goahttp.Encoder,
    eh func(context.Context, http.ResponseWriter, error),
    up goahttp.Upgrader,
    connConfigFn goahttp.ConnConfigureFunc,
) *Server

New instantiates HTTP handlers for all the chatter service endpoints.

func (*Server) Service

func (s *Server) Service() string

Service returns the name of the service served.

func (*Server) Use

func (s *Server) Use(m func(http.Handler) http.Handler)

Use wraps the server handlers with the given middleware.

type SummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody

type SummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody string

SummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “summary” endpoint HTTP response body for the “invalid-scopes” error.

func NewSummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody

func NewSummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody(res chattersvc.InvalidScopes) SummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody

NewSummaryInvalidScopesResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “summary” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

type SummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody

type SummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody string

SummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody is the type of the “chatter” service “summary” endpoint HTTP response body for the “unauthorized” error.

func NewSummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody

func NewSummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody(res chattersvc.Unauthorized) SummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody

NewSummaryUnauthorizedResponseBody builds the HTTP response body from the result of the “summary” endpoint of the “chatter” service.

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