Goa Development
Development Setup
Goa uses GitHub. The project can be found at github.com/goadesign/goa. Not to be confused with the project for this site github.com/goadesign/goa.design.
This document describes the steps required to setup a development environment for contributing to Goa.
1. Install Go
The first step is to install the Go distribution. Please follow the steps described in the Go Getting Started guide
2. Clone Goa
Note: This step requires git. Installing git is outside the scope of this document.
Once Go is installed and the GOPATH environment variable is set, clone Goa:
cd $GOPATH/src
mkdir -p goa.design
cd goa.design
git clone https://github.com/goadesign/goa
cd goa
git checkout v3
3. Install dependencies
Bring in all the Go packages that Goa depends on:
go get -v -u ./...
4. Build Goa
Install the goa tool:
cd cmd/goa
go install .
5. Test the setup
Finally to make sure everything is properly setup run the tests:
cd $GOPATH/src/goa.design/goa
6. Development
You now have a fully functional Goa installation and are ready to start hacking! If you haven’t yet you should join the Slack channel (sign up here) to ask questions.
Once you are ready to submit your changes simply open a GitHub PR, someone will review your proposed changes and provide feedback. More details on how to contribute is available in the repository.