
Understanding and implementing observability in Goa services

Modern distributed systems are complex. When something goes wrong, traditional logging alone isn’t enough to understand what happened. You need to see how requests flow through your system, measure performance, and monitor system health. This is where observability comes in.

What is Observability?

Observability is your ability to understand what’s happening inside your system by looking at its outputs. In Goa, we achieve this through three main pillars:

  1. Distributed Tracing: Following requests as they travel through your services
  2. Metrics: Measuring system behavior and performance
  3. Logs: Recording specific events and errors

The Clue Package

Clue is Goa’s recommended observability package. It’s built on top of OpenTelemetry, the industry standard for observability, and provides tight integration with Goa’s generated code.

Here’s a simple example of what observability looks like in practice:

import (
    "go.opentelemetry.io/otel"                // Standard OpenTelemetry
    "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/attribute"      // Standard OpenTelemetry
    "goa.design/clue/log"                     // Clue's logging package

func (s *Service) CreateOrder(ctx context.Context, order *Order) error {
    // Using standard OpenTelemetry API
    ctx, span := otel.Tracer("service").Start(ctx, "create_order")
    defer span.End()

    // Standard OpenTelemetry attributes
        attribute.String("order.id", order.ID),
        attribute.Float64("order.amount", order.Amount))

    // Standard OpenTelemetry metrics
    s.orderCounter.Add(ctx, 1,
        attribute.String("type", order.Type))

    // Clue's structured logging (optional)
    log.Info(ctx, "processing order",
        log.KV{"order_id", order.ID})

    if err := s.processOrder(ctx, order); err != nil {
        // Standard OpenTelemetry error recording
        return err

    return nil

Notice that most of the code uses standard OpenTelemetry packages (go.opentelemetry.io/otel/*). Only the logging uses Clue-specific code, and even that could be replaced with your preferred logging solution. This means you can:

  • Use any OpenTelemetry-compatible observability backend
  • Switch to a different logging library if needed
  • Keep your observability code portable

Why OpenTelemetry First?

Clue follows an OpenTelemetry-first approach. This means:

  1. Traces are your primary debugging tool. They show you:

    • The exact path of each request
    • Where time is spent
    • Which services are involved
    • What errors occurred
  2. Metrics help you monitor system health:

    • Request rates and latencies
    • Error rates
    • Resource usage
    • Business metrics
  3. Logs are used sparingly, mainly for:

    • Fatal errors
    • System startup/shutdown
    • Debugging specific issues

This approach scales better than traditional logging because:

  • Traces provide context automatically
  • Metrics are more efficient than log parsing
  • Logs can focus on what matters

Getting Started

To add observability to your Goa service, you’ll need to:

  1. Set up Clue: Configure OpenTelemetry with appropriate exporters
  2. Add instrumentation: Wrap your handlers and clients
  3. Define metrics: Track important system behaviors
  4. Configure health checks: Monitor service dependencies
  5. Enable debugging: Add tools for troubleshooting

The following guides will walk you through each step:

  1. Basic Setup - Configure Clue and OpenTelemetry
  2. Tracing - Implement distributed tracing
  3. Metrics - Add service metrics
  4. Logging - Configure logging
  5. Health Checks - Add health monitoring
  6. Debugging - Enable debugging tools

Example Service

Here’s what a fully observable Goa service looks like in practice:

func main() {
    // 1. Create logger with proper formatting
    format := log.FormatJSON
    if log.IsTerminal() {
        format = log.FormatTerminal
    ctx := log.Context(context.Background(),

    // 2. Configure OpenTelemetry with OTLP exporters
    spanExporter, err := otlptracegrpc.New(ctx,
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf(ctx, err, "failed to initialize tracing")
    metricExporter, err := otlpmetricgrpc.New(ctx,
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf(ctx, err, "failed to initialize metrics")

    // 3. Initialize Clue with OpenTelemetry
    cfg, err := clue.NewConfig(ctx,
    clue.ConfigureOpenTelemetry(ctx, cfg)

    // 4. Create service with middleware
    svc := front.New(fc, lc)
    endpoints := genservice.NewEndpoints(svc)
    endpoints.Use(debug.LogPayloads())  // Debug logging
    endpoints.Use(log.Endpoint)         // Request logging

    // 5. Set up HTTP handlers with observability
    mux := goahttp.NewMuxer()
    debug.MountDebugLogEnabler(debug.Adapt(mux))  // Dynamic log level control
    debug.MountPprofHandlers(debug.Adapt(mux))    // Go profiling endpoints
    // Add middleware in correct order:
    handler := otelhttp.NewHandler(mux, serviceName)  // 3. OpenTelemetry
    handler = debug.HTTP()(handler)                   // 2. Debug endpoints
    handler = log.HTTP(ctx)(handler)                  // 1. Request logging

    // 6. Mount health checks on separate port
    check := health.Handler(health.NewChecker(
        health.NewPinger("locator", *locatorHealthAddr),
        health.NewPinger("forecaster", *forecasterHealthAddr)))
    http.Handle("/healthz", log.HTTP(ctx)(check))

    // 7. Start servers with graceful shutdown
    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    go func() {
        defer wg.Done()
        log.Printf(ctx, "HTTP server listening on %s", *httpAddr)
        if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != http.ErrServerClosed {
            log.Errorf(ctx, err, "server error")

    // Handle shutdown
    if err := server.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
        log.Errorf(ctx, err, "shutdown error")

This service showcases several important observability features that help monitor and debug the application in production. It implements structured logging that propagates context through the service, allowing requests to be traced across components. The service integrates OpenTelemetry for distributed tracing and metrics collection, providing insights into performance and behavior. Health check endpoints monitor the status of dependencies like the locator and forecaster services. Debug endpoints enable profiling of the running service to identify performance bottlenecks. The service also supports dynamic log level control to adjust verbosity at runtime without restarts. Finally, it implements graceful shutdown handling to properly clean up resources and complete in-flight requests when stopping the service.

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