Types of Interceptors

Understanding different types of Goa interceptors and their use cases

Goa supports several types of interceptors to handle different scenarios. This guide explains the different types and when to use them.

Core Concepts

When designing interceptors, there are three key dimensions to consider:

  1. Server-side vs Client-side:

    • Server-side interceptors run on the service implementation
    • Client-side interceptors run in the generated client
  2. Payload vs Result access:

    • Payload: access/modify the incoming request
    • Result: access/modify the outgoing response
  3. Read vs Write access:

    • Read: inspect data without modification
    • Write: modify or enrich data

Interceptors only need to reference the attributes they want to access by name - they don’t need to redefine the complete attribute definition or description. The method design must include these attributes in its payload and result types.

Basic Patterns

Read-Only Access

Use this when you need to inspect but not modify data. Perfect for monitoring, logging, and validation:

var Monitor = Interceptor("Monitor", func() {
    Description("Collects metrics without modifying the data")
    // Read request size from payload
    ReadPayload(func() {
        Attribute("size")        // Type and description come from payload type
    // Read response status from result
    ReadResult(func() {
        Attribute("status")      // Type and description come from result type

The ReadPayload and ReadResult DSL functions declare read-only access to payload and result attributes:

  • The interceptor only needs to list the attribute names it wants to access
  • Types and descriptions are inherited from the method’s payload and result types
  • Multiple attributes can be listed in a single ReadPayload or ReadResult block
  • The interceptor implementation receives these attributes as read-only fields

Write Access

Use this pattern when the interceptor needs to modify or add data:

var Enricher = Interceptor("Enricher", func() {
    Description("Adds context information to requests and responses")
    // Add request ID to payload
    WritePayload(func() {
        Attribute("requestID")   // Must be defined in payload type
    // Add timing to result
    WriteResult(func() {
        Attribute("processedAt") // Must be defined in result type

The WritePayload and WriteResult DSL functions declare write access:

  • Listed attributes can be modified by the interceptor implementation
  • The method’s payload and result types must include these attributes
  • Multiple write blocks can be defined if needed
  • Write access implicitly includes read access to the same attributes

Combined Access

When an interceptor needs both read and write access, combine the patterns:

var DataProcessor = Interceptor("DataProcessor", func() {
    Description("Processes both requests and responses")
    // Transform request data
    ReadPayload(func() {
        Attribute("rawData")     // Input data from payload
        Attribute("format")      // Current format
    WritePayload(func() {
        Attribute("processed")   // Transformed data
        Attribute("newFormat")   // New format
    // Transform response data
    ReadResult(func() {
        Attribute("status")      // Response status
        Attribute("data")        // Response data
    WriteResult(func() {
        Attribute("enriched")    // Enriched response
        Attribute("metadata")    // Added metadata

Key points about combining access patterns:

  • Read and write blocks can be mixed freely for both payload and result
  • Each block can list multiple attributes
  • The same attribute can appear in both read and write blocks
  • The order of blocks doesn’t affect the implementation

Server-Side Interceptors

Server interceptors execute on the service implementation side, running after the request has been decoded but before the service method is called. They’re perfect for implementing cross-cutting concerns like logging, metrics collection, request enrichment, and response transformation.

Here’s an example of a server-side caching interceptor that caches responses for GET requests:

var Cache = Interceptor("Cache", func() {
    Description("Implements response caching for GET requests")
    // We need to read the record ID to use as cache key
    ReadPayload(func() {
        Attribute("recordID")    // UUID from payload type
    // We'll add caching metadata to the response
    WriteResult(func() {
        Attribute("cachedAt")    // String from result type
        Attribute("ttl")         // Int from result type

This server-side interceptor demonstrates:

  • How to combine read access to payload with write access to result
  • That interceptors can be applied at the service level
  • The separation between attribute declaration in the DSL and implementation logic
  • That attribute types are defined by the method, not the interceptor

The service design must include these attributes:

var _ = Service("catalog", func() {
    // Apply caching to all methods in the service
    Method("get", func() {
        Payload(func() {
            // Define attribute used by Cache interceptor
            Attribute("recordID", UUID, "Record identifier for cache key")
        Result(func() {
            // Define attributes used by Cache interceptor
            Attribute("cachedAt", String, "When the response was cached")
            Attribute("ttl", Int, "Time-to-live in seconds")
            // Other result fields...
        HTTP(func() {

Client-Side Interceptors

Client interceptors execute on the client side before requests are sent to the server. They enable client-side behaviors like request enrichment, response processing, and client-side caching.

Here’s an example of a client-side interceptor that adds client context and tracks rate limits:

var ClientContext = Interceptor("ClientContext", func() {
    Description("Enriches requests with client context and tracks rate limits")
    // Add client context to outgoing requests
    WritePayload(func() {
        Attribute("clientVersion")  // String from payload type
        Attribute("clientID")       // UUID from payload type
        Attribute("region")         // String from payload type
    // Track rate limiting information from responses
    ReadResult(func() {
        Attribute("rateLimit")           // From result type
        Attribute("rateLimitRemaining")  // From result type
        Attribute("rateLimitReset")      // From result type

This client-side interceptor illustrates:

  • How client interceptors modify outgoing requests using WritePayload
  • How they can read response data using ReadResult
  • That the same DSL patterns work for both client and server interceptors
  • The importance of declaring all needed attributes in the method design

The service must define these attributes:

var _ = Service("inventory", func() {
    // Ensure all client calls include context information
    Method("list", func() {
        Payload(func() {
            // Business logic attributes
            Attribute("page", Int, "Page number")
            Attribute("perPage", Int, "Items per page")
            // Required by ClientContext interceptor
            Attribute("clientVersion", String, "Version of the client library")
            Attribute("clientID", UUID, "Unique identifier for this client instance")
            Attribute("region", String, "Geographic region of the client")
        Result(func() {
            // Business logic attributes
            Attribute("items", ArrayOf(Item))
            // Required by ClientContext interceptor
            Attribute("rateLimit", Int, "Current rate limit")
            Attribute("rateLimitRemaining", Int, "Remaining requests in current window")
            Attribute("rateLimitReset", Int, "When the rate limit window resets")

Streaming Interceptors

Streaming interceptors handle streaming methods where either the payload, result, or both are streams of messages. They use special streaming variants of the access patterns:

  • ReadStreamingPayload/WriteStreamingPayload: For client streams
  • ReadStreamingResult/WriteStreamingResult: For server streams

Here’s an example showing different streaming interceptor patterns:

// SERVER-SIDE interceptor that WRITES to streaming RESULTS
var ServerProgressTracker = Interceptor("ServerProgressTracker", func() {
    Description("Adds progress information to server stream responses")
    WriteStreamingResult(func() {
        Attribute("percentComplete")  // Float32 from streaming result type
        Attribute("itemsProcessed")   // Int from streaming result type

// CLIENT-SIDE interceptor that WRITES to streaming PAYLOADS
var ClientMetadataEnricher = Interceptor("ClientMetadataEnricher", func() {
    Description("Enriches outgoing client stream messages with metadata")
    WriteStreamingPayload(func() {
        Attribute("clientTimestamp")  // From streaming payload type
        Attribute("clientRegion")     // From streaming payload type

The streaming interceptor DSL introduces special patterns:

  • ReadStreamingPayload/WriteStreamingPayload for client streams
  • ReadStreamingResult/WriteStreamingResult for server streams
  • These patterns work the same way as their non-streaming counterparts
  • The difference is they apply to each message in the stream
  • The same attribute declaration rules apply: list only names, types come from the method

Example service using streaming interceptors:

var _ = Service("fileProcessor", func() {
    // Server streaming example
    Method("processFile", func() {
        Description("Process a file with progress updates")
        Payload(FileRequest)              // Single request
        StreamingResult(func() {          // Multiple responses
            // Business logic fields
            Attribute("data", Bytes)
            // Required by ServerProgressTracker
            Attribute("percentComplete", Float32)
            Attribute("itemsProcessed", Int)
    // Client streaming example
    Method("uploadFile", func() {
        Description("Upload a file in chunks")
        StreamingPayload(func() {         // Multiple requests
            // Business logic fields
            Attribute("chunk", Bytes)
            // Required by ClientMetadataEnricher
            Attribute("clientTimestamp", Int)
            Attribute("clientRegion", String)
        Result(UploadResult)              // Single response

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