
Learn how to implement gRPC streaming services in Goa, including server-side, client-side, and bidirectional streaming patterns

Goa provides comprehensive support for gRPC streaming, enabling you to build services that can handle continuous data transmission in real-time. This guide covers the different streaming patterns available in gRPC and how to implement them using Goa.

Streaming Patterns

gRPC supports three streaming patterns:

Server-Side Streaming

In server-side streaming, the client sends a single request and receives a stream of responses. This pattern is useful for scenarios like:

  • Real-time data feeds
  • Progress updates
  • System monitoring

Here’s how to define a server streaming method:

var _ = Service("monitor", func() {
    Method("watch", func() {
        Description("Stream system metrics")
        Payload(func() {
            Field(1, "interval", Int, "Sampling interval in seconds")
        StreamingResult(func() {
            Field(1, "cpu", Float32, "CPU usage percentage")
            Field(2, "memory", Float32, "Memory usage percentage")
            Required("cpu", "memory")
        GRPC(func() {

Client-Side Streaming

Client-side streaming allows the client to send a stream of requests while receiving a single response. This is ideal for:

  • File uploads
  • Batch processing
  • Aggregating data

Example definition:

var _ = Service("analytics", func() {
    Method("process", func() {
        Description("Process stream of analytics events")
        StreamingPayload(func() {
            Field(1, "event_type", String, "Type of event")
            Field(2, "timestamp", String, "Event timestamp")
            Field(3, "data", Bytes, "Event data")
            Required("event_type", "timestamp", "data")
        Result(func() {
            Field(1, "processed_count", Int64, "Number of events processed")
        GRPC(func() {

Bidirectional Streaming

Bidirectional streaming enables both the client and server to send streams of messages simultaneously. This pattern is perfect for:

  • Real-time chat applications
  • Gaming
  • Interactive data processing

Example definition:

var _ = Service("chat", func() {
    Method("connect", func() {
        Description("Establish bidirectional chat connection")
        StreamingPayload(func() {
            Field(1, "message", String, "Chat message")
            Field(2, "user_id", String, "User identifier")
            Required("message", "user_id")
        StreamingResult(func() {
            Field(1, "message", String, "Chat message")
            Field(2, "user_id", String, "User identifier")
            Field(3, "timestamp", String, "Message timestamp")
            Required("message", "user_id", "timestamp")
        GRPC(func() {


The implementation of gRPC streaming in Goa involves both server-side and client-side code. Goa generates the necessary interfaces and types based on your service definition, and you’ll need to implement these interfaces to handle the streaming logic.

Server Implementation

On the server side, you’ll need to implement methods that handle the streaming communication. Each streaming pattern requires a different approach to handle the data flow. Let’s look at each pattern in detail:

Server-Side Streaming Example: System Monitoring

In this example, we’ll implement a service that streams system metrics (CPU and memory usage) to clients at regular intervals. The server maintains an open connection and continuously sends data to the client.

The monitor.WatchServerStream interface provided by Goa gives us two main capabilities:

  1. Send(*WatchResult) error: Sends a single result to the client
  2. Access to the context through Context() context.Context

Here’s how we use these capabilities:

// Server-side streaming
func (s *monitorService) Watch(ctx context.Context, p *monitor.WatchPayload, stream monitor.WatchServerStream) error {
    // Create a ticker that fires at the interval specified by the client
    ticker := time.NewTicker(time.Duration(p.Interval) * time.Second)
    // Ensure the ticker is cleaned up when we're done
    defer ticker.Stop()

    // Infinite loop to keep sending metrics
    for {
        select {
        // Check if the client has cancelled the request using the context
        case <-ctx.Done():
            return ctx.Err()
        // Wait for the next tick
        case <-ticker.C:
            // Get the current system metrics (implementation not shown)
            metrics := getSystemMetrics()
            // Use the stream's Send method to send metrics to the client
            // Each call to Send transmits one message in the stream
            if err := stream.Send(&monitor.WatchResult{
                CPU:    metrics.CPU,
                Memory: metrics.Memory,
            }); err != nil {
                return err

Client-Side Streaming Example: Analytics Processing

This example shows how to handle a stream of events from the client. The analytics.ProcessServerStream interface provides three key methods:

  1. Recv() (*ProcessPayload, error): Receives the next message from the client
  2. SendAndClose(*ProcessResult) error: Sends a final response and closes the stream
  3. Access to the context through Context() context.Context

Here’s how we use these capabilities:

// Client-side streaming
func (s *analyticsService) Process(ctx context.Context, stream analytics.ProcessServerStream) error {
    // Keep track of how many events we've processed
    var count int64
    // Continue reading events from the stream until it's closed
    for {
        // Use Recv() to get the next message in the stream
        // Recv blocks until a message is received or the stream is closed
        event, err := stream.Recv()
        if err == io.EOF {
            // Client has finished sending data
            // Use SendAndClose to send the final result and close the stream
            // This is specific to client-streaming - we can only send one response
            return stream.SendAndClose(&analytics.ProcessResult{
                ProcessedCount: count,
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // Process the received event (implementation not shown)
        if err := processEvent(event); err != nil {
            return err

Bidirectional Streaming Example: Chat Service

This example demonstrates a chat service where both sides can send messages at any time. The chat.ConnectServerStream interface combines capabilities of both streaming types:

  1. Recv() (*ConnectPayload, error): Receives messages from the client
  2. Send(*ConnectResult) error: Sends messages to the client
  3. Access to the context through Context() context.Context

Here’s how we use these capabilities:

// Bidirectional streaming
func (s *chatService) Connect(ctx context.Context, stream chat.ConnectServerStream) error {
    // Continue processing messages until the client disconnects
    for {
        // Use Recv() to wait for and receive the next client message
        // This blocks until a message arrives or the client closes the stream
        msg, err := stream.Recv()
        if err == io.EOF {
            // Client has closed their send stream
            return nil
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Create a response with the current timestamp
        response := &chat.ConnectResult{
            Message:   msg.Message,
            UserID:    msg.UserID,
            Timestamp: time.Now().Format(time.RFC3339),
        // Use Send() to send a message back to the client
        // In bidirectional streaming, we can send and receive in any order
        if err := stream.Send(response); err != nil {
            return err

Client Implementation

The client side interfaces mirror the server side but from the client’s perspective. Let’s look at each type:

Server-Side Streaming Client: Monitoring Metrics

The client receives a monitor.WatchClient interface that provides:

  1. Recv() (*WatchResult, error): Receives the next metrics update
  2. Close() error: Closes the stream
// Server-side streaming client
func watchMetrics(ctx context.Context, client *monitor.Client) error {
    // Start the streaming connection with initial parameters
    // This returns a stream interface for receiving metrics
    stream, err := client.Watch(ctx, &monitor.WatchPayload{
        Interval: 5, // Request metrics every 5 seconds
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Continue receiving metrics until the stream ends
    for {
        // Use Recv() to get the next metrics update
        // This blocks until new metrics arrive or the server closes the stream
        metrics, err := stream.Recv()
        if err == io.EOF {
            // Server has closed the stream
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // Process the received metrics (in this case, just log them)
        log.Printf("CPU: %.2f%%, Memory: %.2f%%", metrics.CPU, metrics.Memory)
    return nil

Client-Side Streaming Client: Uploading Events

The client receives a analytics.ProcessClient interface that provides:

  1. Send(*ProcessPayload) error: Sends an event to the server
  2. CloseAndRecv() (*ProcessResult, error): Closes the send stream and waits for the final response
// Client-side streaming client
func uploadEvents(ctx context.Context, client *analytics.Client, events []*analytics.Event) error {
    // Initialize the streaming connection
    // This returns a stream interface for sending events
    stream, err := client.Process(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Send each event to the server using the stream's Send method
    for _, event := range events {
        if err := stream.Send(event); err != nil {
            return err

    // Use CloseAndRecv to close our send stream and get the server's response
    // This blocks until the server processes all events and sends the result
    result, err := stream.CloseAndRecv()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    log.Printf("Processed %d events", result.ProcessedCount)
    return nil

Bidirectional Streaming Client: Chat Client

The client receives a chat.ConnectClient interface that combines both capabilities:

  1. Send(*ConnectPayload) error: Sends messages to the server
  2. Recv() (*ConnectResult, error): Receives messages from the server
  3. CloseSend() error: Closes the send stream
// Bidirectional streaming client
func startChat(ctx context.Context, client *chat.Client, userID string) error {
    // Initialize the bidirectional stream
    // This returns a stream interface for both sending and receiving
    stream, err := client.Connect(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Start a separate goroutine to send messages
    // This demonstrates how we can send and receive concurrently
    go func() {
        for {
            // Use Send to transmit messages to the server
            if err := stream.Send(&chat.ConnectPayload{
                Message: "Hello",
                UserID:  userID,
            }); err != nil {
                log.Printf("Send error: %v", err)

    // Use the main goroutine to receive messages
    for {
        // Use Recv to get the next message from the server
        msg, err := stream.Recv()
        if err == io.EOF {
            // Server has closed the stream
        if err != nil {
            return err
        // Process the received message
        log.Printf("Received: %s from %s at %s",
            msg.Message, msg.UserID, msg.Timestamp)
    return nil

Error Handling

When implementing streaming endpoints, proper error handling is crucial:

  1. Context Cancellation: Always check for context cancellation to handle client disconnections gracefully.
  2. EOF Handling: Properly handle io.EOF to detect when the stream ends.
  3. Resource Cleanup: Use defer statements to ensure resources are properly cleaned up.
  4. Partial Failures: Consider implementing retry logic for transient failures.

Best Practices

  1. Message Size: Keep message sizes reasonable to avoid memory pressure.
  2. Flow Control: Implement proper flow control to prevent overwhelming either side.
  3. Timeouts: Set appropriate timeouts for streaming operations.
  4. Monitoring: Add metrics to track streaming performance and errors.
  5. Documentation: Clearly document the streaming behavior and error conditions.