HTTP Transport Mapping

Define how your service methods map to HTTP endpoints. Learn how to map payloads to HTTP requests and responses.

This section explains how service method payloads are mapped to HTTP endpoints using the HTTP transport DSL. The payload types define the shape of the data passed as arguments to service methods, while the HTTP expressions specify how to build this data from various parts of an incoming HTTP request.

HTTP Request State

An HTTP request is composed of four parts:

  1. URL Path Parameters
    For example, in the route /bottle/{id}, the {id} is a path parameter.

  2. URL Query String Parameters

  3. HTTP Headers

  4. HTTP Request Body

The HTTP expressions guide how the generated code decodes the request into the expected payload:

  • Param Expression: Loads values from path or query string parameters.
  • Header Expression: Loads values from HTTP headers.
  • Body Expression: Loads values from the request body.

The next sections describe these expressions in more detail.

Mapping Payloads with Non-Object Types

When the payload type is a primitive (e.g. String, integer types, Float, Boolean, or Bytes), an array, or a map, the value is loaded from the first defined element in the following order:

  1. The first URL path parameter (if defined)
  2. Otherwise, the first query string parameter (if defined)
  3. Otherwise, the first header (if defined)
  4. Otherwise, the request body


  • Path Parameters & Headers: Must be defined using primitive types or arrays of primitives.
  • Query String Parameters: Can be primitives, arrays, or maps (with primitives as elements).
  • Arrays in Paths and Headers: Represented as comma-separated values.


1. Simple “Get by Identifier” (Integer Identifier)

Method("show", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Show(int)GET /1Show(1)

2. Bulk “Delete by Identifiers” (String Identifiers)

Method("delete", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Delete([]string)DELETE /a,bDelete([]string{"a", "b"})

Note: The actual name of the path parameter is not significant.

3. Array in Query String

Method("list", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
List([]string)GET /?filter=a&filter=bList([]string{"a", "b"})

4. Float in Header

Method("list", func() {
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
List(float32)GET / with header version=1.0List(1.0)

5. Map in Body

Method("create", func() {
    Payload(MapOf(String, Int))
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Create(map[string]int)POST / {"a": 1, "b": 2}Create(map[string]int{"a": 1, "b": 2})

Mapping Payloads with Object Types

For payloads defined as objects (with multiple attributes), HTTP expressions allow you to specify where each attribute is loaded from. Some attributes can come from the URL path, others from query parameters, headers, or the body. The same type restrictions apply:

  • Path and Header Attributes: Must be primitives or arrays of primitives.
  • Query String Attributes: Can be primitives, arrays, or maps (with primitives as elements).

Using the Body Expression

The Body expression specifies which payload attribute corresponds to the HTTP request body. If you omit the Body expression, any attributes not mapped to a path, query, or header are automatically assumed to come from the body.

Example: Mixing Path and Body

Given the payload:

Method("create", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Attribute("id", Int)
        Attribute("name", String)
        Attribute("age", Int)

The following HTTP expression maps the id attribute to a path parameter and the remaining attributes to the request body:

Method("create", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Attribute("id", Int)
        Attribute("name", String)
        Attribute("age", Int)
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Create(*CreatePayload)POST /1 {"name": "a", "age": 2}Create(&CreatePayload{ID: 1, Name: "a", Age: 2})

Using Body for Non-Object Types

The Body expression also supports cases where the request body is not an object (for example, an array or a map).

Example: Map in Body

Consider the following payload:

Method("rate", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Attribute("id", Int)
        Attribute("rates", MapOf(String, Float64))

Using the HTTP expression below, the rates attribute is loaded directly from the body:

Method("rate", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Attribute("id", Int)
        Attribute("rates", MapOf(String, Float64))
    HTTP(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Rate(*RatePayload)PUT /1 {"a": 0.5, "b": 1.0}Rate(&RatePayload{ID: 1, Rates: map[string]float64{"a": 0.5, "b": 1.0}})

Without the Body expression, the request body would be interpreted as an object with a single field named rates.

Mapping HTTP Element Names to Attribute Names

The expressions Param, Header, and Body allow you to map HTTP element names (e.g., query string keys, header names, or body field names) to payload attribute names. The mapping syntax is:

"attribute name:element name"

For example:


In this case, the version attribute will be loaded from the X-Api-Version HTTP header.

Mapping Fields in the Request Body

The Body expression also supports an alternative syntax that explicitly lists the body attributes and their corresponding HTTP field names. This is useful for specifying a mapping between incoming field names and payload attribute names.


Method("create", func() {
    Payload(func() {
        Attribute("name", String)
        Attribute("age", Int)
    HTTP(func() {
        Body(func() {
Generated methodExample requestCorresponding call
Create(*CreatePayload)POST / {"n": "a", "a": 2}Create(&CreatePayload{Name: "a", Age: 2})

This guide should help you map your service methods to HTTP endpoints effectively, providing clear instructions on how to extract and map the different parts of an HTTP request to your service payloads.