Goa allows you to define errors using either the default ErrorResult
type or
custom user-defined types. Choosing the appropriate error type depends on the
complexity and specificity of the errors you need to represent.
)By default, errors use the ErrorResult
type, which includes standard fields
such as Name
, ID
, Message
, Temporary
, Timeout
, and Fault
. This
provides a consistent structure for errors across your service.
Define a service-level error using the default ErrorResult
var _ = Service("divider", func() {
Error("DivByZero", ErrorResult, "Division by zero")
Error("ServiceUnavailable", ErrorResult, "Service is temporarily unavailable.", func() {
// ...
In this example, we define two service-level errors that can be returned by any
method within the divider
service. The DivByZero
error represents a division
by zero operation, while the ServiceUnavailable
error indicates a temporary
service outage. Both errors use the default ErrorResult
type, but the
error is marked as temporary using the Temporary()
function, indicating that clients may retry the operation.
The generated code defines functions that instantiate
ServiceError objects
for the DivByZero
and ServiceUnavailable
errors. These functions take
care of setting the appropriate fields for the error:
// MakeDivByZero builds a goa.ServiceError from an error.
func MakeDivByZero(err error) *goa.ServiceError {
return goa.NewServiceError(err, "DivByZero", false, false, false)
// MakeServiceUnavailable builds a goa.ServiceError from an error.
func MakeServiceUnavailable(err error) *goa.ServiceError {
return goa.NewServiceError(err, "ServiceUnavailable", true, false, false)
Clients can cast the error returned by the service to the ServiceError
and then use the Temporary
, Timeout
, and Fault
fields to check the error
For more detailed error information, you can define custom error types. This allows you to include additional fields specific to your application’s needs.
Define a custom error type using the Type
var DivByZero = Type("DivByZero", func() {
Description("DivByZero is the error returned when using value 0 as divisor.")
Field(1, "message", String, "Error message for division by zero.")
Field(2, "divisor", Int, "Divisor that caused the error.")
Required("message", "divisor")
Integrate the custom error type within a service method:
var _ = Service("divider", func() {
Method("divide", func() {
Payload(func() {
Field(1, "dividend", Int)
Field(2, "divisor", Int)
Required("dividend", "divisor")
Result(func() {
Field(1, "quotient", Int)
Field(2, "remainder", Int)
Required("quotient", "remainder")
Error("DivByZero", DivByZero, "Division by zero")
// Additional method definitions...
In this example, we define a method-level error called DivByZero
that uses
the custom DivByZero
type. This allows us to provide detailed error
information specific to division by zero scenarios, including both the error
message and the actual divisor value that caused the error.
metadata. This is essential for Goa to correctly map errors
to their definitions.var CustomError = Type("CustomError", func() {
Field(1, "detail", String)
Field(2, "name", String, func() {
Required("detail", "name")
as Goa uses this internally for error identification and