Designing gRPC Services

Learn to design gRPC services with Goa, including service definition, method annotations, protobuf generation, and proper gRPC status code mappings.

In this tutorial, you’ll design a simple gRPC service with Goa. While Goa is often used for REST endpoints, it also has first-class support for gRPC transports. You’ll see how to:

  • Define a service and methods in the Goa DSL.
  • Annotate them for gRPC, ensuring the generated code produces .proto files.
  • Validate payloads and map errors to gRPC status codes.

What We’ll Build

We’ll create a greeter service that has a single method called SayHello. The method receives a name in the payload and returns a greeting message. We’ll also show how to qualify gRPC responses with standard gRPC codes.

MethodgRPC RPCDescription
SayHellorpc SayHelloReturn a greeting given a user-provided name

1. Create a New Module & Folder

Create a fresh Go module for this project grpcgreeter:

mkdir grpcgreeter
cd grpcgreeter
go mod init grpcgreeter

Inside this folder, set up a design/ directory to hold your DSL files:

mkdir design

2. Write the Service Design

Create a file named design/greeter.go with the following content:

package design

import (
    . ""

// Define a gRPC-based greeter service.
var _ = Service("greeter", func() {
    Description("A simple gRPC service that says hello.")

    Method("SayHello", func() {
        Description("Send a greeting to a user.")

        // Define the request payload (what the client sends).
        Payload(func() {
            Field(1, "name", String, "Name of the user to greet", func() {

        // Define the result (what the server returns).
        Result(func() {
            Field(1, "greeting", String, "A friendly greeting message")

        // Indicate this method should be exposed via gRPC.
        GRPC(func() {
            // The default code for a successful response is CodeOK (0).
            // You can also define custom mappings if needed:
            // Response(CodeOK)

Key Points

  • We use Method("SayHello", ...) to define the remote procedure call.
  • Payload specifies the input fields. In gRPC terms, this becomes the request message.
  • Result defines the output fields. In gRPC terms, this becomes the response message.
  • Adding GRPC(func() {...}) ensures the generated code includes .proto definitions and stubs for this method.
  • We use Field(1, "name", String, ...) to define the fields in the request and response messages. The numbers are the tags in the generated .proto file. Note that this replaces the use of Attribute for defining fields in HTTP methods. Methods that support both HTTP and gRPC transports can use Field for defining fields (the tag is ignored for HTTP).

3. Next Steps

With your gRPC service design in place, proceed to the next tutorial:

  • Implementing the Service: Generate code, wire up your custom logic, and learn how to run a gRPC server in Goa.
  • Running the Service: Explore how to use the official gRPC CLI or other tools to call your endpoints and ensure everything works correctly.

You’ve now designed a minimal gRPC service using Goa. The DSL approach gives you a single source of truth for request/response types, validations, and gRPC status mappings—making your service easy to evolve and maintain over time!